
While parked at a video rental place, somebody threw a copy of Rudy into my car because they were A) too lazy to take it all the way into the store, or B) they were too lazy to return it on time and didn't want to pay the late fees and thought that they would make me pay them, which would never happen, since the store

There are much cheaper ways to polish a turd.

From the article, it looks like AMC had lots of Kraut ties. So I vote for the Pacer, which was actually a 928 that they hung by the roof for 3 months. The only had to replace the ultra-cool 928 5-hole wheels to hide the Pacer's origin.

@MotownWonker: Worst case of torque steer I've ever seen.

Even with the shitty over-compressed audio, that mofo is one of the best sounding cars I've heard in years. Love this car. I just don't get why anyone would not like it, much less hate it. Weirdos. Best ass since Jessica Alba.

It's a damned fine looking sedan. The ass end is particular perfect, with the roof reaching far back to the tail end. All the correct proportions and curves, none of those stupid fucking hard lines that other cars have had.

Oh gag. Who designed that Challenger, Chip Foose? It looks like shit, like something my bordering-on-retarded 10-year old nephew would draw after watching 6 straight hours of Sponge Bob and some gay robot cartoon.

I love the shape of that thing. It reminds me of the Mad Max V8 Interceptor, which I'm too lazy to look up right now. The buttresses give it a wicked profile.

I'm so disappointed it's from the UK. I thought it was obviously living in Mexico or Japan. Or Peoria.

Don't waste money on deer detection systems that instruct the drivers to slow down! Spend money on something that will shoot the fucking things. God damn field carp.

That is so sexy.

Abolish dirt?? You pussies.

@Mike the Dog: Keeping with the GM/AMC theme, the Concours is lookin' and soundin' pretty close to a Concord. And since some Eagle Spirit models were pretty much just an ugly Gremlin clone… well, I dunno. AMC wins!

Gremlins is cool.

It's funny how it looks like the white one is secured to the trailer only by the orange straps over the hood and roof. Too bad they'll rub around during the trip and fuck up the paint, but perhaps it's on its way to a primo resto job, complete with some far out metalflake paint. Fuck yeah!

@Paul Y.and the Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Liv...: A UPS driver in Iowa told me back around 1986 that they used different power trains depending on who offered the lowest bid and/or best dependability. I was asking him about the trucks because I thought it'd be cool to buy an old one for our band. (BTW,

That's a great looking car. Reminds me of a cross between the AMXIII concept and that one Gremlin concept.

Fuck yeah!!! Nothing says "I'm gonna eat your babies and screw your girlfriend" like this car. Not even close. Well, maybe the Purple People Eater, but that's a different category altogether.

They're idiots. The first five are cars that look good and/or have contributed so much to American car culture (by being made fun of, sure, but still) that they're now cool.