
Does it come in a pickup model? Even a Gumpamino would be fine. I need to haul drums and crap.

That's incredibly similar to the crank handle on our garden hose reel that snapped off. Even looks like the same shitty aluminum/pot metal mixture.

I swear I saw a Corvette with a Rolls Royce kit on both ends. Had I had a big ol' loogy in my throat, I would've happily shot it at the driver for being a stupid fuck.

Wing vents and floor vents! God damn it! Bring them back! What idiots decided to get rid of them? Probably accountants. Fuckers.

The Japanese stuff is getting uglier for sure. They're way too close to the gay anime source. New Ford and GM stuff looks like hell too, with the exception of Cadillac. Dodge, however, has getting it very, very right, and I'm not just talking about the Challenger.

I installed a stereo in one of those-uglier-than-all-other Mustangs from that era for a friend. All I remember is how tall the seats were when I took one out, like they were meant for a truck.

Rebel Machine, hell yeah! AMX! V8 Gremlin X! Superbird/Daytona. (The wing would be an instant "fuck you, you little snot-face pukes" to all the kids in their ricer burner fagwagons with fake wings.) '73/'74 Charger (please take that name off the sedan) with "gill" windows! And if we have to have a Chevy, make the '68

God DAMN that's gorgeous. Too bad about the ding. I like how it's kinda jacked up. Reminds me of the '68 Chevelle my brother had, with the air shocks fully charged. Or a cat in heat with her ass in the air.

The trim ring around the headlight is far out. And my god, was there ever a more stylish badge done in script lettering than the tall Dodge badge of this era? OK, maybe the Scamp badge, but that wasn't script.

People who know how to drive well can go 75 or 80 or whatever. Dumb bastards who talk on cell phones, drive drunk, drive slower than others in the left fucking lane, don't pay attention to what's going on in front of, to the side of, and behind them, etc should only be allowed to drive 25 in the ditches and never on a

Leave the 1/4 fucking mile a 1/4 fucking mile like it should be. Just make sure there is a 1/2 mile of runout that's nice and wide and not filled with concrete walls or cranes. Pussies.

Please make it go away.

@jolietjake: When you start thinking that a subject so boring as this was Photoshopped (What would be the point of it?), maybe it's time to turn off the internet in your room and go outside. Seriously, all your arguments can be easily explained. I won't explain them, because that would be validating your reality.

The Citroën ad is a classic image, but the Datsun Black Gold ad is the epitome of the '80s. And it was that guy's mustache that secretly hypnotized the Datsun heads into changing the company name to the far less cool Nissan.

It's a toss-up between Cougar and Cordoba. But really, when talking about the '70s, Farrah and the "*Mrowr* at the sign of the cat." sound bite take the cake. "Rich Corinthian leather" is just too logical and lemmingese.

The VW add is pure '60s style. If it wasn't for the German voiceover, I'd think it was developed on Madison Ave (still could be I guess, although a lot of European countries had some mad design skills too).

@logruszed: Only Mike Meyers could steal the look of a creepy guy sitting "Indian style" on the floor of this ad and turn it into something incredibly annoying and not the least bit funny. That's how he does it with all his characters.

Everybody will vote for the damned TA. I'll go with the "AMX" because I like AMC and it's just so fucking funny that they took a Concord and made it the new AMX.

@Mike the Dog: I had a '66 4-door Belvedere with a slant-6 I got from my grandpa. Fantastic engine. I got it to replace the '77 Aspen wagon woody that died, possibly due to the tranny seizing up. I was able to swap the water pump and the starter - if I remember correctly - from the Aspen because the 'dere's weren't

@LostAmerica: But the show would not work if it didn't have Clarkson, Hammond, and Slow. An American version will never be good. Ten bucks says it ends up being all macho/redneck/gangsta like a combination of that idiotic Cool Tools show that I watched once for 4 minutes, any show with NASCAR in the title, and King of