
@Maymar: Screw that. Just build the Stratos again and sell one to me.

Cripes. So what will be left, 'Vettes and 'Stangs? Ooo, I'm all a-twitter. Pleaghk. At least the GT is there. Wait, do they still make that? OK, then Panozes and Saleens. I'm still mad that Panoz doesn't built it like this any more. That was badass.

Hey, I think that's the car that was in my dream! It was buried nose-up in the street with just the grill poking out. Aliens (as in the Alien[s] movies) had invaded Earth and I was teamed up with Batman & Robin to fight them. Batman decided to follow the aliens into Earth's massive underground city by jumping through

If it has some rust, primer, or oil/grease leaking out somewhere, I'll consider it to be worthy of the term "hot rod". Otherwise, I hear Buick has some new nice sedans you'd like. Anything with mags that big AND tires that small is a pile of puke.

Turn signals must be visible from every angle, so those are indeed turn signals on the sides, not mere reflectors.

BTW, what is the inside length of the Ram short bed now? It sure looks shorter than it used to be from the outside. The back seat doesn't need to be any larger than it was in 2005. If you need to haul a large family around, don't buy a pickup. Pickups are for hauling dirt and gravel and 4x8 sheets of plywood. Stop

The Furd's grill is one of the ugliest yet. It has the same qualities that yawn out "let's go shopping for life insurance and yogurt, Martha" like the last T-bird's drill. Dodge continues to kick butt.

Must be fun to run a snowblower over it when you dig up a chunk that's been dislodged by the freezing groundwater.

Everybody wind up their Stunt Cycle and aim it for the ramp made of books at the top of the stairs. *sniff*

@dulcamara: Can't be, because we all know that this Jackie Stewart is a nice Scottish lady.

Yup, best looking 4x4 ever made.

@boognish: Lordy, that's hilarious. A sort of Borat goes street racing, only with very hot girls.

The Maverick already looks better than the Matador 2-door right out of the factory. The Mat coulda been decent if someone with a sense of design would've done the headlights instead of the beauty school dropout who thought the Hideki Tojo look was just right for a car. If the model kit I had was correct, Roger Penske

It's OK if you're a chick and absolutely must advertise your sluttiness to everyone on the road by hanging a dozen strands of beads from your mirror.

Porsche 917. Or Chaparral 2E. I'd go 'round and 'round Laguna Seca, then make a break for the gate and head down the coast, stop for gas and a chocolate shake before they caught up with me in Baja California, hung up on a relatively small rock.

True gearheads don't go to the Daytona 500 because they're all about corporate sponsors (that have nothing to do with cars) and wrecks. And I hear Indy is pretty much as redneck-filled as any NASCAR event these days. The history is there, the cars are there, but the fun sure ain't.

Citroën, natch, even though the Renault with those stripes is almost as cute as Natalie Portman in a thong.

Cool. Now build it for the Mac. Still waiting for something close to Total Immersion Racing that runs on Intel Macs. Something with bitchin' CanAm and Le Mans cars and all the great tracks like Laguna Seca, VIR, Road America.

When I was a kid I was at my cousins' house and my uncle was showing us the 356 he was restoring. I asked about those holes with the covers over them at the rear of the sills. Nobody knew, so I started thinking about it and came up with "a place to put the jack when you jack up the car." I guess I wasn't a stupid kid.

@frank_rizzo I'm with you. I rarely turn off power when I'm working with 110VAC. If you're smart, it's not hard to be safe when conditions are dangerous.