
I had a bulletin board filled with cars cut out of Hot Rod, Car Craft, Chopper, etc. Posters? Peter Fonda riding Captain America (the chopper, not the super hero) - B&W with colorized helmet and gas tank. Then there was one that was like a pencil or ink drawing of some Hell's Angels type bikers. I told my mom I wanted

"this Jalop isn't a fan of NASCAR, Jacques Villeneuve or the formulaic idiocy of Will Ferrell"

Murilee, I'm no expert, but I believe the mark over the 'e' is a pronunciation mark, not an accent mark, so you know that the 'e' is not silent. Otherwise an entire generation would be calling it a "Vo-lare".

You see chrome front end treatments in those pictures? All I see are light bezels, which are always chrome (or polished aluminum) anyhoo. What should I be looking at?

As much as I love 928s, the Checker would be far more fun to boink around on and build something wicked. I mean what else can you do with a ratted out 928 other than restore it and pump it up a bit? I mean, you could go the idiot's route and put big ass wheels and color-changing paint on it, but nobody likes an idiot.

BTW, every time I see Spinelli's name, I think Spicoll. Dude.

@TPSreports: Yup. The song's called, amazingly, "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" and is on the soundtrack (sadly, not available on iTunes). The best song from the movie was Billy Squier's "Fast Times". Though I also like "Raised on the Radio" by The Ravyns a whole bunch.

Hmm. I had driving gloves and I drove a '77 Aspen station wagon/kammback/shooting brake. A woody even. Real wagon-driving glove-wearing men (not to be confused with the putz yapping over the Alfa C8), however, wore Carrera sunglasses, not Ray·Ban aviators.

He also has a big orange dump truck! Who doesn't need one of those, fer cryin' out loud?

What's wrong with Chevy? Why don't Corvettes look like that any more? They haven't looked at all good in the last couple decades.

Thanks for all the time I spent on the floor or on a dirt pile driving your cars around, Jack. *sniff*

Jesus tap dancing christ, what's with all the Viper hate? I don't understand that at all. It's not like it's some cheezy Miata or something. V10, people. Unbearably hot sidepipes (are those gone now?). And now more very cool colors.

That's an amazingly menacing sound as it echos through the woods, getting closer… closer… closer… You expect some Hell's Angel with a flaming head riding a blown Husqvarna-powered minibike to come screaming around the corner, bringing sweet death.

I just watched an episode of Hawaii Five-0 that had Bo Hopkins playing a murdering thief hillbilly (along with Slim Pickens as his pappy - it don't get no better 'n 'at). I kept thinking "you just might make it as a Pha-raoh yet, boy" the whole time.

Love the green. Hate the wheels. They draw waaay too much attention to themselves. Too ricerboyish for a cool car.

I also dislike the small article blurbs that require you to click MORE. They look like ads, so I skip 'em. I also dislike commenters' names in all caps. What is this, Windows? I bitched about these things when Gizmodo rolled over to the new layout.

Puke Dicky has as much right to be be associated with F1 as he does being associated in any way with the music business. He should buy a drifting car. That's closer to his fan base.