
Sam Waterston is the grossest man alive. Ewww. Clear your throat, ya dork.

I've had 2. '66 Belvedere and '77 Aspen wagon woodie. Neither got their oil changed very often at all - maybe 3 times a year. The Aspen finally blew the tranny. The Belvedere was sold before I moved to the big city (slant-6 with 3-on-the-tree is not a good combination for on-ramp acceleration). I miss them both, but I

MM, I hear ya. No better way to blow 3 hours than detail painting an instrument panel.

I drove my grandpa's '66 Belvedere for a few years after he died. It had a great mix of gramps, old Mopar, gravel dust, and burning and leaking Quaker State from the hard-to-kill slant 6.

Jeeezus, lighten up, hippies. It's entertainment, and funny entertainment at that. It also just happens to show the true nature of the south and its fanatical NASCAR hillbillies.

Thanks for the rally coverage. I haven't seen snow course shots for a long time. Those skinny meats sure look weird. And dig the fender flares! They remind me of the big boxy ones they used in the late '70s and early '80s. Hell, what was that style of racing called? It's lost in my brain.

beaded-hippie driver

That's too bad. Taurus makes me think of cheap ugly cars made by Ford. 500 at least had an image of speed and worthiness.

What happened? She looked kinda cute… a bit MILFish in the first article's picture in her snappy orange astronaut outfit. Now she looks all… well, exactly like the kind of person who would willingly put on a diaper, get all whoopass on another chick, etc.

Under 7 and under 60 lbs? How about under 18 and leave it at that. As a smoker of close to 25 years and as a kid whose mom smoked in the house and car (at least she would always put the window down), I'm all for parents getting tickets for being dumb and possibly contributing to their kids' urge to smoke. Just don't

Holy cripes. What's not to love about a custom Camino (the far coolest year too) with 8 friggin' tailpipes and hemorrhoid-friendly seats?

Has the guy in charge of Dakota design for the past few years been inhaling too much paint fumes? The nose looks, I dunno, like an ’83 Dodge Diplomat—like it will be driven to church at exactly 5mph under the speed limit and feature wooden bead seat cushions.

I love me some EMD locos, especially the F series like pictured (F9 by the looks of it - the perfect combination of smooth and ass-kicking tough).

Hey, I had that 8-track, MM!

I'd like to start a group that shuts down hippy activities like Dead concerts and other places that stink of patchouli for months after they've gone, because I'm positive that patchouli stank is the leading cause of global warming.

Tip: Stick the valve cap between your lips after you remove it so you won't lose it. Try not to sneeze of cough. It's best during the Winter when there's a nice layer of salt on them. Tasty.

It's bad ass.

Oh hell yeah! Love that thang. And it's anything but ugly, especially for its time, when the others were pointy and flat. I always wanted the slot car version of it. I tried hacking out a dual-rear-axle slot car once. Almost had it, but I couldn't get the last gear to stay in place.

Damn it. Oh, to have space to build more garage and the skill to do body work. Actually, for the 4 pictured, I'd leave the body as-is. That still leaves me without enough gearhead skills to be able to tear apart a motor and make it run. I guess I'll just have to continue lusting after prime autos with meaty mills like

He'd be cruisin' in a '77 2-door Lah-Tee-Dah with a brougham top. Just like this one.