
You can tell they're from the south, where they're used to seeing lots of cars sitting around in front yards on their rims. But they also want something better, which is why the one kid wants a "white Escalade on rims" which he'll park in his yard, I guess so the chickens have a place to roost.

Ya gotta love a guy who builds something with 5 reverse gears. Thanks for the great little bio.

I noticed one scene where the guy who compiled the video flipped it - the channel 27 logo was backwards and on the left. That must be where it looked like a right hand drive.

Yes, this thing is what Honda should buy to act as a litter bearer after ASIMO smacks his face on the floor.

Coffin gas tank? Check. Twisted springer forks? Check. Captain America helmet? Check. Electric motor? Well, OK, but he'd better stick a Varoom into the frame so it at least looks and sounds like a real chopper.

It's so cute I just wanna pinch it and give it a bath, especially the one with that little Goggopuppy following behind.

Nobody's mentioned this tip: If your engine is really hot when you drain it, let it cool before you dump in the new oil if the new oil is cold. Cold oil on hot metal can give you a neato crack in a really expensive place. Or so they say.

I voted DAF, but FAF is funner to say… almost as much fun as saying "funner".

Got a bent rim and a hunk of plywood? Then you have a coffee table!

The first name that comes to my mind is Gaysickle.

I take it those NSU Prinzes has some type of built-in supports to hold the trunk, er, engine cover up like that? Cooling and maybe a tad bit of downforce?

Microslop will just steal bits of sample code posted on Apple's developer web site, slap it into a box, and hope the cars don't smash into the walls. And they'll paint the box brown. They're so sexy.

Poor little Capri. Probably got crushed. A friend's parents had one in grade school. They gave me a ride home once in the winter. She turned on the defroster and snow blew out. Lots and lots of snow.

I got a huge Tyco track one xmas with banks and a lap counter. It came with a Gulf 917 (my favorite) and a 512, both with lights. Sadly, the Tyco cars didn't last very long. But the detail on them was very nice. I later had some open cockpit Ferrari G-force (is that what they were called?) that I drilled out the

(Arg. It's hard to tell when the comment system doesn't work and when it's just taking the server a while to process it. Sorry if this comes up twice.)

Let's hope Evel wins and con-yay goes broke and takes the whole worthless rap industry down with him and we won't have to listen to those pieces of crap ever again.

Oh, Dutch. I was thinking DAF was German.

Driver A: "Enforce the wester front!" *rev*

Maybe even slamming the gas door closed might cut down on the oxygen supply enough that it would go out? If you have a door, that is. They ain't air tight, but maybe close enough.

I'm getting wood! God I love those Lancias.