
well i havent noticed xp probs as my chars are both at lv60 already, however i have noticed since getting the latest patch pushed in the early hours of this morning the game now runs terribly, pretty much unplayable and its not down to lag its actually slowdown on my system which is more than capable of handling it

it makes her sick as she hasnt built up a tolerance to it yet, pretty much all opiates will cause nausea if you take more than you need and some people are more sensitive than others, vicodin or rather hydrocodone is much weaker than oxycodone.

i imagine youre doctors were rather stupid/ignorant, the nausea is because you essentially took too much, or more likely were given far too strong of a painkiller (although there is the chance that youre just sensitive, but im still willing to bet they gave you something stronger than it needed be.)

oxycontin and xanax? theres a dangerous combo to be giving out for a start, are these people even doctors? im not and i know that its a very bad idea to be mixing powerful respiratory depressants. why not go the whole hog and just give them hydromorphone and xanax and pretty much assure their death, you guys sure have

let me think now, oh yeah maybe its because its IMPOSSIBLE to die from the use of marijuana, its been subject to more tests to try and find something wrong with it than any other vegetable matter on the planet and they still cant find any major problems with it, there is not even a known LD:50 for it (there is an

the painkillers arent at fault, its the uneducated idiots chucking them down their throats that are the root cause of the problem, if youre taking a chemical, licit or otherwise for gods sake learn a bit about it, i dont care if youre most trusted family physician gave it to you, just a bit of reading about it may

being a vegetarian ive always been somewhat left out at BBQs, ive tried cooking various vegetables on it but they never come out particularly nice

one assumes the baking process is a long slow one simply to dry the gelatin, you then fry them after, sounds like a very long and expensive way of making some crisps to me

id do this but i have an electric oven and 8-10 hours running that may well make them the single most expensive crisps in the world

one thing i will say is that they should either ensure lag is utterly minimal, ive died a fair few times simply due to lag, id have been mighty pissed off had i been playing hardcore mode

this is not a new thing really, when i was a kid i developed apps too, except they werent developed for the iphone or put out on the internet, they were done for a spectrum and only put out on tape to me and my friends but the principle is the same, and if you too grew up with computers in the time i did then you

am i just not getting it as im not checking all the links or something? all i can see is un-named tokyo man is unhappy about "something" (which were also not told) coming up when he types his name into google. is this an imagination exercise or something? am i supposed to think of my own humorous or unpleasant outcome

looks sort of good, but im still hoping for a new virtual on game, now that we have dual sticks on all controllers itd be a lot easier to control (unfortunately i was not a billionaire so couldnt afford the insanely expensive, import only dual stick controller)

but oh my god they were LOUD! i had one too

i never had a dasywheel typewriter but i had the next best thing, an amstrad system with a daisywheel printer, it was like it was machine gunning youre text on to the pages! the entire street knew you were printing something.

maybe its because im from the uk and we only got them relatively recently but the only bit i actually like is the biscuit, i usually scrape the filling out, its greasy and unpleasant, so this just seems like id be a total waste for me, id rather just be able to buy them black biscuits on their own sans filling

sorry dude thats not a male or female thing, youre stuck in 1994! you need a time machine! im just kidding obviously, back in the days of quake 1 etc the arrow keys were a bit more commonly used but it kind of died as more keys were needed, wasd gives easy and quick access to so many other keys.

then the moral of the story here is you need to infect more women with youre love of gaming so that its the norm, other than my sister i havent ever met a single decent female player face to face, certainly not one capable of playing at my level anyway.

try 12 hour diablo 3 sessions, or worse 18 hour fallout sessions, or my very worst an almost completion of chrono trigger in a single sitting at over 30 hours!

say what you will about a guy eating it, i care not, special k is THE cereal, nothing even comes close