
its england dude, we dont really care so much about all that here, those issues are big things over in the states where religion is kind of a big thing. here gay marriage is allowed (or civil partnership or whatever they call it) and abortion is something thats generally considered the choice of the person involved

you make a fine point sir!

it wasnt just happening a hundred odd years ago but more recently too, for a short time in the 90s the hallucinogen 2C-B was sold as a sex aid in Japan under the name Performax but it was withdrawn from the market and made a controlled substance in 1997

then you were probably mostly experiencing what we call "the placebo effect" opiates are generally destroyed at temperatures over 80C so if you got it to boiling point you probably destroyed the majority of the alkaloids in the process. smoking opium is more of a general term, when done correctly you vaporize it

heroin or more correctly diacetylmorphine is still legal for medical use its just that its not the preferred opiate these days, things like hydromorphone and fentanyl have taken its place for chronic pain management now

F**KING AWESOME. that is all.

well on pendleton wards twitter page he clearly corrects himself and says it is a DS game not 3DS, heres the quote:

could it just be plain old common sense maybe? people are drinking less because you know, alcohol isnt really good for you, just throwing it out there as a possibility.

you really shouldnt be surprised, while im no exercise nut i am a complete nerd and many a famous nerd have been tokers too! however i will note that i used to swim a lot and found i could cover a much greater distance before getting tired if i got a bit stoned to begin with. i just see no point in striving to push

no its ok thanks, im happy living my life the way i do, and if i keel over dead tomorrow i shall have no regrets. i could give up all the things i do that are bad for me (and there are a lot) i probably wouldnt live any longer but itd damn sure feel like i had!

so that would be why i get that weird, surreal feeling when ive been having a long in depth discussion/argument/brainstorm with someone or racked the hell out of my brains trying to solve a problem

right first try, i am a smoker! and if i want to get a high ill just roll some weed into my cig and stay sat on my arse i think! :P i dont need to run to catch my food, i buy it in tesco so i see no need to drill myself into the ground getting fit!

actually i think both pendleton ward and patrick mchale are both heavily involved in the game, i saw some of their concept art and ideas not too long ago (i think it was on io9 actually) so i do have high hopes i must say. oh theres this too [twitpic.com]

and now i regret selling my 3DS :(

you know people have told me many times that exercise will make you feel good, ive been on this planet for a great number of years now and it just isnt true, it makes your body ache, your lungs burn and generally leaves you feeling sweaty and crappy, so no thanks.

no no no, dont give anyone any ideas, the Japanese arent any better at it these days, did you see Gantz: Perfect Answer? i did, and i wish i could un-see it. the first was kind of watchable but perfect answer was shockingly horribly bad. lets just leave it at one fantastic manga and a pretty decent anime. likewise

i never liked the soul reaver games at all, but i did thoroughly enjoy legacy of kain, id replay it but i have fears that it probably hasnt aged well and is best left as a happy memory

because long horse names cause overflows!

see i literally cant eat meat, its something that has deeply limited my choices my entire life, i dont see why the hell anyone would want to be a vegetarian by choice, its utter hell

"Pharmacological meat intolerance" is this really a thing??? i thought i was just weird. seriously someone please tell me if it is something that can occur naturally?