
i think youre getting youre substances mixed up there, yopo seeds contain DMT, and yes while also under the influence of an MAO inhibitor it will be a long trip, generally yopo seeds are made into a snuff and snorted producing a short intense trip as youre body rapidly breaks down DMT naturally, the experience will be

my launch 360 still works, i have replaced the laser twice, and reflowed the gpu once, and a memory chip, but the laser went dodgy in it again (still works, sometimes) so it was swapped out for a new one and its just a back up system now in case the newer one dies mid session, but it does still work

thats what i get for skim reading!

it was a good game in its own right, but lets face it, it didnt get the love it should have because it followed arguably the greatest rpg of all time, chrono trigger and that is one hell of a hard act to follow

well it was either a simple password or some real crappy encryption then, if she had decent encryption and a solid password they probably wouldnt have been able to crack it, or at least not as quickly as they did

its the fact that it looks like they ported windows phone to a desktop, i just dont like the look of metro at all (its just personal taste of course but thats my view) plus it seems to be pretty much totally focused on touch screen devices, im sure itll be fine for a tablet but it certainly doesnt look like something

good idea, ill take one, for people saying "its not hard to clean a whisk" chances are youre all well organised people who put your whisk in the sink after use, some of us are slovenly, lazy gits and leave them out where your pancake batter or soup etc dries on hard, this would make scrubbing it off easier! also you

this is not exactly a surprise, lets face it they may well have made many claims about it and on paper it was an incredibly powerful system, but we never really managed to use it properly and it never gave results much different than the 360s tri core PPC chip as far as gaming goes so i cant say i expected them to try

you should try the other way around, buying stuff from the us to the uk is often absurdly expensive, id say $20 isnt too bad really. to highlight that the other day i found what i think is the worst food in the world "pork brains in milk gravy" of course i had to see if i could buy a tin just so i could challenge

good god it looks awful

im well aware of that, i was on the net before google was about, but i imagine as this is just coming out now that it was a fairly recent consideration, especially as its only in the last few years that google have really started ramping up their services. maybe i presume too much but id bet that bitcoin came first.

"For the folks out there who can still lay hands on a working Super Nintendo system"

a decentralized peer to peer currency system eh, what a unique idea, i wonder how on earth they could have come up with that? oh yeah there already is one, its called bitcoin

risk of death from what? or is it EVERYTHING? buses will swerve to hit you in the street and workmen will drop boxes of tools from any scaffold you pass

evidently you sir have no clue what acid is like!

ok i can dig it, looks like they may have learned a bit from generations, which would have been an awesome game save for the "modern" sonic parts, plus this one has tails, and tails is awesome

havent we already found that the megapixel count is far from the only thing that counts when taking photos, there are lots of other factors to consider and id certainly want to see the photos side by side with some taken with both other phones and maybe a few point and shoot digicams. camera phones are great for

id kind of hoped itd sort itself out at some point, but now im at the point where theres just too much to dig through to find where i was before so chances are ill just let it go now. but if im honest i think they should have finished it at the end of that first arc after rukia was rescued, its a problem many manga

damn almost all these phones coming out now are LTE, which means for the next 2 years we in the uk are going to be stuck on old phones or what bits and pieces they decide to release without LTE, when deciding my last phone i hit gsmarena to have a look at the possibilities, i wont use anything without a proper

so just like coke and pepsi then, similar but different, totally different, honest......