i have personally never understood "big head mode" its just pointless and its not funny, it never has been and it never will be
i have personally never understood "big head mode" its just pointless and its not funny, it never has been and it never will be
there seems to be an awful lot of dragons about doesnt there? i have an abundance of dragon souls ready to use up but not nearly the words to use them on, not that i use the shouts often anyway but its nice to have them there
or a really weird one, my oblivion character was pretty much as weird looking as i could make him! didnt bother so much with customizing my look this time though
guess i missed that one, must have been playing. i may take a screenshot shortly when i start playing again if i remember, in any case im a kajit but didnt go too heavy on the visual customization anyway, im more about how i play than how i look, and this time round i havent used or trained in any magic of any sort…
wow im not alone, that hits rather very close to home
forgive me if i sound like a bit of a dick but modern cpus need similar things to be used in a system: "two ram chips" = stick of ram, "one ROM and one in-out chip" = the bios
you and me both, she became a badass much more quickly in the books, sadly as yet i think the only character they have carried over well is glenn. and where the hell is tyresse? (i hope t-dog is not supposed to be him) if theyre cutting tyresse then they may well do the unthinkable and cut michonne too
for a much better effect, take hallucinogens then look at the picture
couldnt agree more on both counts
it looks lovely and all, but one of if not the best thing about blackberries has always been their keyboards, its why the storm sucked so very much. they should have made it a landscape slider with HW keyboard.
i was rightly corrected by the person who commented on here, i didnt use caps lock when entering my serial no, when i did, it was accepted and im told theyre sending me a box to return it in. now i have to wonder if they still have these batteries to replace or will they change the whole unit? time will tell i guess,…
i found him, it was the jarl saying he was in the keep that mislead me, so i spent ages looking for a door to "dragonsreach keep" turns out he was just wandering round the main hall!
i barely use my cash anyway, i either found or made all my best gear, only thing i cant seem to do is find the keep in whiterun so i can buy a house, or find someone anywhere who will sell me quicksilver ingots. plus if youre going down that route why not just be a thief instead and you can get pretty much anything…
or did the true iphone 5 kill steve jobs?!?
its quite surprising really, he is pretty much the only decent character in the show, yet he doesnt even appear in the comics at all. also some of the better characters from the comics are now just plain damn annoying
is it just me or is this show getting worse by the episode and they sure are dragging it out, just give up and read the comics ladies and gents, theyre infinitely better
no he doesnt, just thought id let you know
if you havent seen it already the stand alone complex is well worth a watch, personally i stopped bothering with the naruto anime as the cutting to fillers annoyed me so i just read the manga now. if youre looking for something a bit newer and utterly excellent i recommend deadman wonderland
"The Apple product serial number you entered is not part of this program" so thats a no on mine then
they need to get this stuff out on the market as soon as possible, id spray everything with it