
Do you write about your love of the Cougars? :-)

Finally1 The first logical reason for men to own a tie.

I know guys heavier than you that do fine with the Iron Gym. Surprisingly, it doesn't rip the trim off of the door.

Most people should know that starting to do pullups does take some effort (and usually a step-stool/chair for assistance.

Have you tried different channels so you aren't competing with the neighbor?

That one should be excluded as well.

I'd agree EXCEPT for Jezebel. Having that link on LH, makes me embarrassed to share the LH page with any colleagues/friends.

The $79 Amazon Prime can be shared with up to 4 people. So, if you divide that cost with 4 people, it is about $20 each.

Amex has extended the warranty on all of my purchases. They paid for my Sony big screen TV ALMOST two years after the purchase (with a one year Sony warranty and the extended AMEX warranty).

Actually, it is different. With Prime, there isn't a $25 threshold to get the faster shipping.

Does anyone know if/when Google Maps will be available on Windows Phone 7? I haven't been impressed with any of the alternatives thus far.

That explains all of the muscle bound drunks hanging around some public parks drinking cheap wine out of a brown paper bag - - - NOT.

Where are you located? Did it require a voice plan too?

You can also use MyFitnessPal for free which can track water consumption as well as tracking calories eaten in an easy way.

I have a ScanSnap (different model) and I love it. In the past, I used a portable NeatReceipts scanner that would allow me to scan project docs at the airport (or during the flight) when returning from a customer.

Isn't it cheaper to just buy a a new opener?

Well, if we are exercising the "flexible ethics" philosophy espoused in some of these articles... :-)

I agree with your concept but not the analogy. A period isn't a sign of sexual arousal nor is it the result of a voluntary action.

The mercury in the bulbs are clearly unsafe when the bulb breaks.

Would it work safely on glasses/sunglasses that fog up in the winter when entering a warm are from outside? I'd be concerned of what it might do to the non-glare coatings and such.