
And be careful putting out the coals with water. The steam burns can be nasty!

Will next week's posts include advice on how to forge $100 bills, launder money, make and sell your own meth (for fun and profit!) and how to print your fake law school diploma so you can represent yourself when you are going to trial for exercising your new skills?

You could also make a list from www.dailytodo.org and both of you can update the list as you progress. The one with the cheaper price could then delete the item off of the list.

The best part is that the baby spit up on the rails helps keep the magazines from sliding off!

I feel the same way. However, I've started using IDoneThis after a recent article in LH. I receive an email every day and I just reply to it with a list of the things I've done that day.

You could also do Mozy or Carbonite for frequent offsite backup in case your home burned down.

Let me ask, do you have to log it before you change it? :-)

The memory of the cheeseburger could still be right there hanging over your belt. :-)

Hey, I can be an awful person (as long as you pay be to be that way. :-)

I guess that tuna isn't listed because it is always waiting right there in the can. :-)

Has anyone ever used the Wakemate wristband? Does it help?

Well, you should get out of bed eventually... :-)

No, it just gives smokers cancer, causes them to take time off of work drives up healthcare costs, and makes them die early.

The TSA just wants the chance to grope as many people as possible.

Alltiris (now owned by Symantec) makes an awesome tool from migrating "personalities" from one computer to another. It captures files, folders, app settings, and just about anything else you can think of.

For those of us not in med school, would you mind elaborating on Lustig's talk and the important parts of it that may benefit the LH readers?

Honey may have a separate benefit. Honey that is produced near where you live reportedly may help you overcome allergies to the plants that are near you.

Be sure that the plan you choose doesn't charge extra for calls in Japan.