
Which is also far more realistic than teens on TV shows usually are.

Do you know how much they charge for ass mouth probes right now!

If we get her to say snhojiyduj she will go back to her own dimensional plane.

"And the bank machines work all the way until 9pm, some of them"

We are not like Idiocracy. That world had a functioning health care system.

There should be an evil moms series with Lila Luthor, Moira Queen and Alice Cooper. Matriarchs of Mayhem!

That is either a funny typo or a modern version of droit du seigneur

You nailed down the best parts of the episode. I like how Archie is depicted as clueless, insensitive and far more mediocre than his aspirations. That is about as realistic as teens on TV can get.

Chase would be fuming on the inside, thinking to himself "Dammit! He was supposed to act like the good guy and reject my offer. Now my overly complicated plans are ruined. I should just shoot him now."

Grodd, Monsieur Mallah and Detective Chimp travel from the poverty of the dust bowl of Oklahoma to California in search for a better life in The Apes of Wrath.

I can't believe I didn't recognize the guy from Reaper until it was pointed out to me a few weeks ago.

A few things on my mind with this episode:
1. Did anyone not see Paul serving divorce papers coming from light years away? On the bright side it means for the rest of the gay men of Star City, he is on the market!

"and/or the person affected is an attractive woman"

"What were they planning on nuking with that? Detroit?"

Only when vitally necessary to the plot. Like when he transported Felicity Smoak and she was left with a bra and smoldering clothes.

I am afraid to ask what the setup for that incident was. I also don't like using the word piss in google search terms.

Here's the pitch to the CW:
Gorilla AND Shark. Crossing the country on the run. Just one step ahead of the law.Wanted for crimes they committed in for the sheer fun of it. Like Natural Born Killers with genetically modified freaks.

Fair enough. See my subsequent comment. He may have scanned her out of boredom or because he is a quiet perv. Then again, considering the strong emotions it could be the telepathic equivalent of listening in on another persons phone conversations when someone lacks an "indoor voice".

Oh well we are stuck with him. I have no idea how huge he is as a DC character. Call me a philistine or ignoramus, but if I haven't seen them in a cartoon or movie, I am generally unfamiliar with a given comic book character.

For a billionaire philanthropist patron of political dissent, George Soros is a tightwad.