I thought the same way when Hugh Grant was arrested for solicitation. He was cheating on Elizabeth Hurley, British goddess of hawt.
I thought the same way when Hugh Grant was arrested for solicitation. He was cheating on Elizabeth Hurley, British goddess of hawt.
Google "Godzilla with kids" and it comes up in the images gallery. The full photo is adorable.
Yes. Sweet delicious soap opera problems. That is one of those fun inevitable plot development.
A Simple Plan. Yes! He was awesome in that.
IMO two of his best roles, which won't get nearly as much notice:
The father in Frailty, and Bill Hendrickson on Big Love. Just the right balance of likeable and bugshit crazy.
Definitely agree there. I think developing Reggie further can only make things more interesting. His character creates instant conflict.
Its kind of surprising given how common the "withhold information to protect someone" cliche is.
Oh most definitely.
When Priscilla was threatening to send Cheryl to a European boarding school, I was trying to picture her in a schoolgirl uniform and imagining dormitory scenes involving naughty (but broadcast permissible) pillow fights.
Who doesn't in that town?
Fair enough. But it is a business/co-conspirator arrangement.
It certainly puts the syrup chugging scene in Super Troopers in a different light.
Since its a Berlanti produced show, we have to eventually have a fries in milkshake reference in there somewhere. Just to get the rest of us in a lather.
Who knows how honest Fred's books really are? He IS a contractor. He probably needs someone who knows how to hide money from the IRS.
Probably after sleeping with Cheryl in a non consensual act after being roofied by her.
I don't think the writers need to dip into that well yet. There is enough campy soap opera stuff there to go around.
Betty is a seemingly normal person with crazy highlights. Cheryl is seemingly crazy with moments of clarity. It could work. But would probably end with someone getting shot.
Here is what I don't get, what is the basis for the animosity between Hermione Lodge and Priscilla Blossom?
The fanfics have already been written.
Given Jughead's cinephile background I am not sure if he might be more or less receptive to Betty in a black wig, skimpy bra and handcuffs.