Me too. But it is what we have. There is a shortage of shipworthy males and so many interesting females. There is nobody currently worthy of Veronica's affections there.
Me too. But it is what we have. There is a shortage of shipworthy males and so many interesting females. There is nobody currently worthy of Veronica's affections there.
There was a lot of pity in Veronica's attitude towards Cheryl. Cheryl was trying to open up, but sensing the cray cray vibes, Veronica kept some measure of distance.
The scene where she is taping up Archie's hand..mmmm
Yes, what Thea did was unethical, destructive and a little evil. But she looks so adorable in business clothes and behind that desk. Plus we didn't see her for a while. So I will give her a pass. I am kinda easy that way.
Reality makes a mockery of both fiction and common sense.
They think everyone else is stupid and gullible. Wonderful.
It's called being lying SOB trolls. They know it's bullshit but they want to annoy people.
The Lizard People still owe me travel expenses when I helped them abduct Mormons and Jehovah's witnesses to harvest their spleens. Damn deadbeat reptiles.
Please fund me George Soros. I have been doing this stuff free of charge for too long.
Excuse me conservative pundit sir, where can we find those people you are saying are willing to pay for protesting? Just for edification.
I think it's 30% of people being fucking stupid and about 70% of not giving a damn what the truth is and just saying ridiculous stuff just to troll opposition.
Waitaminute! George Soros is paying people to voice their dissatisfaction with the president? And I have been doing it for free? WTF Liberal Zionist Socialist Conspiracy! Where are the signup sheets? Why do the conservatives know this first?
If impeached, Oliver Queen would be the first mayor who left office under their own power in the last 5 years.
Or had backups of the info on a portable hard drive or flash drive like responsible people caught up in a conspiracy would do.
But if Oliver had stuck to his No-Kill rule, it would have never happened. Prometheus did show Ollie up as a hypocrite. But that is no excuse for setting up someone to be killed.
Oliver [in angry tone]: Thea, that is exactly the kind of thing Mom would have done!
Thea: Aww, that is so sweet! Thank you!
Not initially. But that is Mick's charm. He grows on people despite their initial hostility to him. Look how audiences went from hating him to becoming his fans.
Who did?
Never heard of that film.
It doesn't exist.
They went from Star Trek IV to VI
But there is still a giant Bobbi Morse sized hole in my heart.
It can be two things. Or two very attractive ladies….who I ship in my head.