
He can vibrate, doesn't break easily and understands the value of junk food for superheroing. The two of them are perfect for each other!

Well maybe a little about the OJ left on the console. I get the impression Clark is the type who insists that people use a coaster. :)

She looks so much younger! Still, I never really found a romantic vibe between them. A lonely guy looking for a connection with his former life, definitely.

Oh dear sweet baby Cthulhu, what incident did not happen in Atlanta recently?

"It does make me wonder, when Mon-El appeared in the DEO ops center in his skivvies and everyone there basically went "hey dude", just what the hell goes on there on a daily basis?"

"check the files and make sure her species doesn't like to eat its lovers or anything. Trust me, it's for the best."

It was pretty well established that it was unrequited. James was Supe's stalker.

Because nobody loves James.

Kryptonite/Daxamite in superhero terms is like French/Belgian. Not really huge differences.

A few items to get off my chest

Extra-dimensional aliens know their own.

Wynn was always "TV unattractive" as in only on a show surrounded by chiseled models would he have been someone who would not be considered cute and unendearing. It never made much sense.

Feel better, eel in sushi places are farm raised.

Most eel eaten these days are farmed in China. Eel eaten in most sushi places is freshwater eel. The saltwater variety is rarer and more expensive.

There were sales of hot pockets and pizza rolls nationwide. None of them could bother to leave their parents basements.

Being a troll means never actually having values or consistency. It's all about cheezing off the next guy with bullshit.

I heard the Pizzagate, and Bowling Green Massacre victims held a party.

That would be Ebibaphilia. Attraction to teens under the age of consent.

I don't like to call them alt-right. Neo Nazis or just plain racists seems more accurate.

Way to go Bill Maher in enabling this guy to shoot his career in the foot!