
Maybe tigers don't eat things which smell dead and rotten. Daryl's poor hygiene is keeping him alive.

Still a glorified side dish. Miss soup is one of those things that restaurants generally don't do as well as home cooks.


Oh most definitely. Because we all know Sara has far more game then either of them.

Although I applaud creative mischief, I still must groan in public. For appearances. ;)

I am going to walk away from this discussion. I concede the argument to you on all fronts. Please seek professional help.

Because owning an item which is lethal to others shouldn't be regulated and potential harm to the public shouldn't be mitigated to shift risks from the owner and public? Like every other lethal piece of property one can own from explosives, to wild animals, to automobiles? Do you want gun owners to go bankrupt due to

An aside, miso soup in any restaurant is bland watery slurry. Miso soup made at home is awesome.

The Interplanetary Society for the Preservation of Wildlife entry for Spoo reads, "Destroy them all, let none survive"

Insults are not as hominem. I am not pretending ideology affects veracity.

OK as hominem response in lieu of a sane well supported argument. What else is new?

Me too. But I go ahead anyway. I'm an idiot when it comes to gorgeous alien serial killers. Love the obscure movie reference.

I am not seeing the downside here nor anything concerning confiscations and modifications ordered by law enforcement using registration as a pretext. Law enforcement are the ones calling for the restrictions in the city.

Now you are doubling down on bullshit. Gun registration is handled at a state level and only for handguns. There is no registration for rifles and shotguns anywhere in the state. The story is fake. There are only two gun stores left in the city and they only handle law enforcement customers. There is no way a separate

It sounds like bullshit. Short of pictures of yourself on facebook having sex with a minor, anything else on your social media is just reaching for law enforcement.

The worst thing is elder Kim Jong never got to go to Tokyo Disney. :(

I am beginning to think a lot of the supporters know Trump and company are a bunch of fuckwits. But they still want to annoy others by supporting them. Trolling as political practice.

Its the banana peel thing which scares me shitless. Trump is clearly incompetent, childish, dishonest and doesn't even bother to talk to his own advisors or experts. We have already seen what kind of harm he causes when he dashes off an executive order. The amount of harm he can cause just because he is too careless

I own several guns which I use on the range. I have friends who are cops. None of us are stupid enough to carry weapons in social situations. It only increases the chances it will be stolen, or be used in a situation where there is no legitimate excuse. The best way to deal with a fight is not get into one.

You two have watched Red Dawn (the real one) too many times. Our gun documentation system in this country is not even adequate for law enforcement for dealing with illegal arms, let alone registered ones.