
“There’s no point in acting surprised about it. All the planning charts and demolition orders have been on display at your local planning department in Alpha Centauri for 50 of your Earth years, so you’ve had plenty of time to lodge any formal complaint and it’s far too late to start making a fuss about it now. … What

Soccer isn’t a very popular sport in the U.S.

Which is sad, because it requires team-work, intuition and precision to score. I live in Utah and I am surprised how many people go to RSL games.

Edit, meant to add /s to the first sentence.

Oh, I don’t begrudge her at all. I’m sure that if I was in her position, I would probably assume it was about that as well. I’m amazed she even keeps an internet presence these days, I definitely wouldn’t be brave enough to do that.

Not going to lie, I think this might be the first time I won’t be buying something.

That’s a pretty solid reason in and of itself

Q: Did the mistakes you made when you were a kid involve you shooting a person with a gun? (y/n)

If you have answered “y” for the above question, please report to a local police station and tell them about it. Your past probably SHOULD be haunting you.

(I kinda get whatcha mean though. But she fuckin' killed a guy.)

Just curious - is there a reason to buy within your wishlist first other than “I know it’s not an impulse buy because I put it on my wishlist”?

The joke is based on the Watergate scandal because the dancing contest was rigged. The use of the -gate suffix has been part of popular culture long before Gamergate was even a thing. The name “ Five Fun Guys” is a “fungi” pun since they are 5 Toads in the group. The number 5 is a reference to Watergate because 5 men

They should put in a talking Robin named Williams into one of the games.

Can’t blame Nintendo for saying no.

I was gonna ask if this was a joke or something, but then I remembered Americans can’t even be trusted with these:

This is faker than that stick of evidence that Sisko planted on DS9.

The biggest shame with Overwatch is the lack of a story mode. I mean why spend so much time and money crafting movies and videos and things showing these characters having interesting personalities, when in the end it’s just a multiplayer shooter.

I mean, I’m not a huge fan of the Overwatch hype at the moment, but I’m not bothered by the amount of Overwatch clips. That’s just how it is. It’s a huge game right now, whether you like it or not. Before Overwatch, there was a huge surge of Dark Souls 3 clips. Rocket League clips dominated for a time, too. So did

Look at his little glasses! That thing on his head is ridiculous but somehow ups the cuteness by a million!

I had such a crush on Ellie Satler when I first saw that movie.

Mr. Robot: A hearty helping of Christian Slater

I cannot stress enough how you have to meet in well lit public places. In an apartment parking lot is not it.