
I didn't enjoy it a bit, still was sure it would happen.

> Consider how easily and readily she killed and mutilated the Waif compared to the emotional event avenging Lommy was. She has changed.

But if there *is* a reason that Rick's idiotic plan is the only option, the scriptwriters have an obligation to tell us why.

Was it possible to keep walkers inside the mine? We don't know that, all season is built around idea that it wasn't. No character ever suggested any solution like that. So either we assume that not only Rick but every single person in Alexandria is completely dumb or we assume that they couldn't do it for some reason.

I don't agree that Rick is responsible for Alexandria's fall. The mine was the very reason Alexandrians managed keep their liittle utopia up and running for so long. What's more, the mine opened itself during Rick's idea's test run. So if it wasn't for Rick, unprepared Alexandria would be hit by twice as much walkers,

Am I the only one who saw Lori reading a book under the fence when Rick was trying to compose himself after being kicked out from garage?

One thing: there is and never was such thing as Czech concentration camp. Only German concentration camp on Czech territory.

Am I the only one around here who thinks Melisandre scene's main purpose was to keep proper boobs-per-episode ratio? I mean if they really wanted to leave some suspense in terms 'where the hell is Stannis going?' They could've done it in dozen of ways, they've chosen Melisandre taking bath…