
As opposed to the assholes who slow everyone else down by trying to overcome a mile of crawling traffic by passing on the right?

Sorry, the asshole is the guy trying to pass everyone on the right because of how much more important they obviously are than anyone else... I will continue to shut them out of the lane. Get in line behind everyone else, you are not a unique and special snowflake.

Fuck I would WATCH THE SHIT out of that reality show.


I’ve had a modded e36 325 for quite a few years now so I’m pretty familiar with their failings, haha, thanks for the warning though. I’d just want a stock m3.

Thanks for the solid input, much appreciated!

How was the cost of ownership on that car?

That sucks, sorry to hear that :(

Shoulda filed a claim. I had a flood last winter and had about $2500 worth of cards in my basement, which I included in my claim and was paid back at about 80% of market value for.

Creatures are much better now, spells are much worse now. The power level per se hasn’t changed though, just how that power is distributed.

Yes you really should.

They can’t. They made a “reserved list” of cards they can’t reprint about 20 years ago and are basically unable to reprint them or they will be sued to oblivion by the major resellers. These are the cards that are easiest to buyout and “spike”.

... you should really look into this market before you call it “piss-arsing around”. There are many, many millionaires that have become millionaires through this game; if I would’ve sunk my tuition for University into magic cards, instead of an education, I would be retired on a tropical island right now.

There is much, much more to this story than it appears; lately, Magic the card game has become Magic : the speculative bubble, and prices for older, hard-to-get, un-reprintable cards have SKYROCKETED. MtG Finance has even become it’s own thing (and to be honest, I am very complicit in this and have made a not

Not saying I agree with them, but I can see where they are coming from on some of their issues (like how progressives are now the ones restricting free speech, religious tolerance for Islam but slamming Christianity, etc). Now obviously lots of what they’re spouting is complete bullshit, but having a little sympathy

It’s gotten more and more MRA/Redpill’er than ever lately. It sucks because Reddit can be really awesome, and there are subreddits for EVERYTHING, but I really can’t stand the neckbearded Libertarian idiots who seem to be more and more prevalent there. It’s starting to seep into my facebook feed too; there is a real

Is there nothing that man can’t ruin?

Canadian here; the Southern USA is the only place I have ever traveled where people are as openly friendly as they are here.

As a Canadian, I feel so sorry for all of you in this position; single-payer healthcare is really the best solution and I hope that in my lifetime I will see my American friends achieve it.

woak babby, wherr com frum?