Seriously debating this. Hope the Mopar pack isn’t too crazy expensive.
Seriously debating this. Hope the Mopar pack isn’t too crazy expensive.
So glad to meet another responsibly irresponsible person :D
I’ve found that drinking a large glass of water BEFORE going to bed when real drunk really helps the next day.
Ugh, Kanye is definitely my most-disliked celebrity.
So essentially what you’re saying is that GoT is really just genre-blending Lovecraft fan fiction?
fuck that stuff is delicious
I’m looking for a clean e36 m3 and having trouble finding one. Prices are going to EXPLODE on these in the next few years.
is it wrong of me to actually like this picture?
there’s so much competition it’s actually one of the cheaper cars to mod. that being said, as usual you get what you pay for.
The aftermarket for e36's is abso-fucking-lutely gigantic man.
95% chance that kid turn into Buster Bluth
Oh the Sanders’ campaign is definitely in the wrong on this, but lemme mansplain juuuust a little.... if you look at the numbers, they are paying women on average a fair bit more than men, despite having a few less women than men... and none of the top 10 highest paid are women... meaning that a fairly high percentage…
Republicans have way more than they lead onto; most are hired through agencies/etc. and so these numbers may not be correct for highest paid. This may also be true for the Dems but the numbers suggest otherwise.
Why isn’t she allowed to ‘play weapons’? She’s taking karate, so you’re obviously ok with at least implied violence, so this seems a bit counter to your mission statement; is it because it’s a “boy’s game”?
I am a white person, and I wholeheartedly agree.
That was very well put and comprehensible, thank you!
It’s a great cheap little car :) my only real compliant is that the accelerator is touchy and the clutch is a bit vague, and it’s a bit top heavy. Other than that the old saying it’s more fun to drive a slow car fast than a fast car slow really applies!
currently daily’ing a ‘15 Yaris. It could be worse :D
You’re fucking retarded.