
Not “A” women’s perspective as in a singular women, but the perspective of women in general (multiple is even better!). There are things, such as the thoughts of a multitude of women on breastfeeding, that can not be quantified in any substantive way enough to be evaluated in the manner of which you are referring t,

Uh, how can you say that a woman’s perspective on public breastfeeding is a tiny, tiny slice out of the issue? It’s MOST of the issue. On issues that affect people who aren’t straight white men, that group of people should be consulted and included. That’s not saying that straight white men can’t have their

Is not every woman capable of rape, then, too?

I’m a dude who thinks she is genuinely gorgeous, and I really don’t understand where all the ugly/fat comments come from. Those legs, indeed!

Canadian here, can verify that it works great.

Exchange rate is at 47% today. I think we’re looking at $80k or so, unfortunately. Prices are going to EXPLODE here in 2016 unless we do something about the dollar... As a purchaser, many of my suppliers have indicated 30% or higher price increases over the next month or two.

He’s gonna pick up many, many more older male voters because of this. I hear this same thing from older guys all the time, about how football has gone soft, no good contact anymore, etc. This was a calculated move to pick up disenfranchised voters, although to most people it seems silly.

I’m a bit ignorant on this one... are they actually mustangs? or is the joke just because they look so similar?

It is awful, but I think it was supposed to be. Almost every scene seemed unscripted, like it was just a complete and total mockery of the typical romance movie, but they didn’t go quite far enough with it. Like they said “Ok, let’s make a rom-com where the man and women are switched, and we’ll rip on every genre

He was the best part of the movie

I know, ugh. Doesn’t help that he and his family are very Christian, and his pastor has also advised against it so he hasn’t sought out a new doctor (double-ugh).

Yeah everytime I see someone posting anything pro-Trump it becomes very difficult to decide if it is sarcasm or honesty.

One of my coworkers is a 25 year old man with 7 children. His doctor will not allow him a vasectomy because he’s “too young” and will “change his mind when he’s older”. Pretty sure he’s not going to change his mind.

Is plastidip being hated on now?

These people absolutely should be vigorously shamed and mocked; I’ve already seen wayyyy too many posts glorifying this act. It’s bound to create copycats, and we certainly don’t need any more of this bullshit happening. Selfish pricks!

Yeah I hear you on that man!

I’m on both ends with this one... It’s a great platform for going fast in a straight line quick and cheap, and I definitely won’t knock that.

Yes, she replied and confirmed that was in fact what she meant... Now I feel a little bad about it, but it was poorly formatted...

Ahhh I see it now! My apologies then... I would edit my post too but apparently I can’t. Please allow me to withdraw my suggestion :)

“entire industry is run by the shadiest, most fucked up people on the earth, gay men.”