Spruce Goosed

So $2600+$854 for depreciation and interest on loan equals $3454. That means you had reliable transportation (a necessity for your job aka your income) for four years at $863/year. I’m ignoring maintenance and insurance, because those costs have nothing to do with the loan. Also, buying used means you saved money on

You don’t seem to understand ‘investing’ or ‘opportunity cost’

Somewhere in alabama roy moore both messed his pants AND declared this video some sort of commie, illegal immigrant witchcraft.

And cue all the Tesla Fan Boy/Girl excuses in 3....2....1...

Rodgers has missed less than 15 games in his career to injury...

But what he did, knowing everything I went through, you don’t do that, bro.

What justice are you planning on doling out before he’s even had a pre-trial hearing?

Because not everyone is such a twat.

They need to find someone else to write this column

You are entitled to your wrong opinion. Mr. Meseeks is awesome.

One man’s “Enthusiast” is another man’s “Hoarder”.

I’m sorry David, but I believe our gentleman friend, regardless of his cheery disposition, falls into “Hoarder” territory.

If they were running, driven, exhibited, or maintained....maybe I’d change my mind...but nope...we’re in straight hoarder-land here.

“Less” is fine when using countable things (like “persons” in the above). However, it would be more appropriate to use “fewer” if the writer used a singular noun that indicated a mass number, such as “people” instead of “person.”

Nobody is crying any tears for this poor, beleaguered white girl who was handed a music career based on her whiteness, while a few people tried to steer her away from the cultural appropriation she so needed to commit. Fuck her.

How do you get hundreds of millions? The most expensive Porsche is about $200,000 and there are very few of those. Let’s say the average cost is $150,000 which is high (that’s what a GT3 costs). 300 cars gives me $45 million. Am I missing something?

Having the sick impulse to call the cops, from the site of one of the worst flood disasters in American history, to report victims of that flood for looting a supermarket; but also: a crime

Seems rather aggressive...A*G*G*R*E*S*S*I*V*E!!!

thats a very muddy stuffed Charmander

This will be a stain on the otherwise sterling recent reputation of Michigan State affiliated athletes and coaches.

None of the people in those pictures is holding a camera.

What’s interesting about Detroit is none of the roads lead to NFL playoff success.