
Oh dear L’Oreal. Anyone else get the impression they only brought Khan on (with heavy marketing to raise attention to how “committed to tolerance and respect to all people” they are) to try to fix the damage caused by firing Munroe Bergdorf over her anti-racism.

I’ve no friends to do this to me...
No friends, no family, no partner.

I’m used to being on my own but a partner would be nice for companionship, also although I don’t want kids I know I’ll regret it later in life if I don’t have a kid and I kind of need a partner for that (no, IVF isn’t really an option).

This article

She is not ‘with autism’ and does not ‘have autism’ - she is Autistic.

Within the Autistic community we use identity-first language and it is very important for media to do so too, always respect the individuals choice in identity, but in this case please respect Autistic people’s identity.

Autism isn’t something we

Autism Speaks doesn’t use a puzzle ribbon, they use a puzzle (which is offensive to Autistic people), but yes they do also use the color blue in their logos and in their ‘Light It Up Blue’ campaign because of the myth that boys are overwhelmingly more likely to be diagnosed as Autistic than girls.

So yes, it’s one of

After months of rape-apologism, pro-rape memes, and harassing his victim...how long did it take them to remove the Brock Turner For 2016 Olympics page? (only happened in the past 24 hours)

SERIOUSLY, I’m surprised that page wasn’t picked-up on by media and more people in general, the memes were so vile...and they were

So, on a piece on controlling how women dress you’re here calling her gross for her choices in what she wears? Irony?

So you think that we Autistic women don’t exist?

Anti-vaxx movement stands against Autistic people by pushing harmful propaganda that promotes fear and prejudice towards Autistic people, the anti-vaxx movement has also seen a sea of money being used to disprove the myth of a connection between vaccines and autism -

As an Autistic person myself (with an Autistic partner and step-child, as well as many Autistic friends) who is going to move to the US...this saddens me and terrifies me. The police knew of Kayden’s Autism and his mental health issues, this shouldn’t have happened - it’s the usual situation where police claim the

Once again, media tries to pin the blame on autism - again.

I’m a white cis woman, but I’m also Autistic and being from the UK the police in US are still terrifying to me. I’m sure there are many things like this going on every single day, I’m sure that many police officers have abused partners at home, and I’m also sure that many of those missing US women (many Native

Acting against abortion is an act against life: against the life of the person who is pregnant, the person that embryo/fetus could become (if exposed to poverty, neglect, abuse, poor quality of life, etc.), and the family who could struggle all the more with an extra mouth to feed.

There is nothing pro-life about

Oh look, Jezebel speaking ill of a menstrual health alternative - surprise!

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - US dating culture terrifies the living hell out of me, that's not to say men don't get creepy here in the UK but in the US it seems there's a far bigger issue of male entitlement...and with that comes aggression, and terrifying stories of guys in bars abusing or assaulting