Sprocket Jennings

I don’t think it’s mapping. I think they are gathering data for autonomous vehicle applications.

Your hubris will not stop what’s coming for the traditional automakers, and that you both assume I’m that young and seem to hate me for it shows me that you’re just a stuck in your ways old man who is in for a big surprise when the next disruption comes.

For all the tough talk, big trucks, and guns flowing like water all it takes is a minivan to invade Texas...who knew.

You... you monster

Both Google and Bing have such a huge lead on Apple when it comes to Maps (and associated data) that Apple should know when to throw in the towel. No...I’m not trolling. Think about it. Who do you rely on (if you’re BEING OBJECTIVE) for search information? Maps? Location information? Reviews? Etc? Not Apple. Google.

LFA Concept?

its funny because, i’m pretty sure the only place there isn’t a road connecting on that map is in russia. you can drive from moscow to london, and you can drive from alaska to new york.

Apparently you must not have been married for long. I wouldn't have half of the car shit I have without following this golden rule.

can confirm, this is how it works in my household...

Here is an entirely sensible approach that can work (it does for me and my marriage).

This, I have made very clear to my GF, that if we ever get married, I'm going to have my toys, my 911 is not for sale (that is not arguable), and that I would want to spend some time in the garage wrenching, or out getting the ocassional speeding ticket.

Marry a woman that likes cars?

Netflix threw 100 million at House of Cards and that wasn't a known quantity.

Yeah they only make $300m in profit a year.

I think Clarkson is to blame, but at the same time, it is an incredibly stupid move by the BBC. Would you cut Lebron/Kobe/Jordan because they got in a fracas with an assistant coach? Jeremy's job at the BBC was to be a presenter and bring in a large following. He was not being paid to be a nice person.

Well fuck. They better release the last episodes.

Guess now I can drop that cable package.

Sad to say this is most likely the death of Top Gear as well since May and Hammond said they wouldn't do the show without Clarkson.

BBC America just became as useless as a chocolate teapot.

Pretty damn awesome. But fer crissakes... that music.