
Only thing I can come up with for the credibility of being able to withstand being underwater on a spaceship, is that these ships do have ways of manipulating stresses on the hulls through the inertial dampening system. Without those fields, warp drive would kill the crew inside and people would get tossed around like

These didn't even come close, and effects aside, I think it had to do with the lack of theatrics. A line can be delivered infinite ways to an equal amount of effects; the same with character personality. Without imitating the original portrayal in a close way, you wind up with a lot of wasted time.

The Drango looks like the Romulan Empire emblem

No... just... no

I work there on the ramp leading flights. It truly is a busy busy place :)

Screw what people say, this is one of my favorite movies and a damned good adaption. The actors were SPOT ON.

The space hippie with the lute is my father. Great man, and great singer. Always proud of his role with Star Trek, and he said he had a hell of a time shooting it :) R.I.P. Charles Napier <3

It's 4.3 light years, so that would mean we are looking at it from about 4 years ago :P Physics, bent light, etc etc, aside.

Event he first draft sounded awful. Not as bad as what they are planning now, but they completely tried to destroy what Hammond had learned from his park travesty.

Alien Queen barbie looks like Queen Mab

While not really "animal" transformations, I always thought the transformations in John Carpenter's "The Thing" were the most terrifying thing I had ever laid eyes on.

I'm only on Season 4, late to the game. Do you guys really freaking have to title articles with spoilers like this? UGH!

If you want THIS idea, but a great story, go read the Emberverse series. The first book is called Dies the Fire.

I'm glad now that I switched to using rubbing alcohol to clean my face because of cystic acne... drown you bastards...

Uhhhmmm, Where is Tarantino on this list? At any rate, I guess this is all subjective and we'll never come to a consensus.