I love how so many people are acting like they ~know shit~ about DDR and rhythm games and then completely invalidate their statements by saying using the bar was ever considered a crutch at professional levels of play, like.
I love how so many people are acting like they ~know shit~ about DDR and rhythm games and then completely invalidate their statements by saying using the bar was ever considered a crutch at professional levels of play, like.
Hey! this is right down the street from my house. And people say nothing cool happens in virginia beach..
But you didn’t. No songs in DDR were even close to this difficulty in the late 90's/early 2000's. Song with 16th note streams at 180+ BPM did not exist until ITG came out. Because the streams are ridiculously fast nowadays, using the bar is considered acceptable by pretty much everyone at the highest levels of play.
I’m sorry, but your son wasn’t that good or better, especially if this was DDR 10-12 years ago. The hardest songs on DDR back then were Legend of Max and PSMO, which aren’t nearly the same level of difficulty as a third of the songs in PIU doubles.
Also, using the bar is considered acceptable by pretty much everyone at…
Obviously, ya’ll never seen IPF, WPF, or PF tourneys at all. Plus DDR Storm.
Shockwave is my senpai. I heard Shockwave’s ripped. I heard Shockwave has an eight-pack. I have...pictures. Shockwave has beat me everytime I have battled him. Shockwave is a legend to those on the dance pads. Shockwave is the Prince of Pump. Shockwave. (I just want to beat Shockwave in a battle)
I’ve played against this guy!
This brings back so many memories of spending hours and hours with groups of friends at arcades playing DDR, ITG, and PIU in early 2000s. It’s great to see these games still getting fans after all this time.