Sprinks V Herself

My impression is that it would be so much worse if our education system was run like our health care system is currently run. Just cos the education system is bad doesn’t mean it couldn’t be worse if it were completely privatized, and just because universal healthcare wouldn’t be perfect doesn’t mean it wouldn’t still

I mean, yeah, there’s a lot of social media activism, but there’s also a ton of on-the-ground, super-engaged activism (often facilitated by social media). Just cos the social media stuff is the stuff we see the most on our own social media feeds doesn’t mean that other activist efforts don’t exist / are not effective.

But then maybe people would actually care enough to get mobilized. Half the reason people aren’t more politically active is because they can’t see how policies affect them. Universal healthcare would bring it all home, and then maybe people would actually give a shit.

Same! But actually, it’s Chris Hemsworth without an accent. He’s Australian, so now he’s just sounding like himself (which is to say, v. sexy)

I remember Ashley from her Say Yes to the Dress episode, and how she insisted on having the most distastefully “sexy” dress they could find, which of course was some cowl-necked nonsense that was basically a bunch of strips of white satin barely held together by some strings. Like, I get it, you got spent a lot of

Taking probiotics changed my life. I had undiagnosed IBS (which is itself sometimes just an admission that the doctor doesn’t know what to diagnose you with), and my problems with my digestive tract were making it difficult for me to even leave the house. I started taking probiotics and everything changed (also

Right?? Like, this is the MET GALA, people! This is not a drill!

Everything I do in life is to get me an invitation to the Met Gala some year. Every step I take is a step toward the Met Gala. OMGGGGGG someone take me to the Met Gala.

Not sure what’s a bigger life goal for me: get invited and attend a White House Correspondents Dinner, or get a selfie with Bill Nye.

Pro-tip: do NOT read the comments on the Gawker article about this story. Aggressive head-desking may ensue.

I thought you were being too picky about disliking the first few collections at first - like, yes they’re poofy and white and fussy, they’re wedding dresses by mainstream designers, that’s what they do.

Now playing

It’s Bat for Lashes’ “Daniel” and Beyonce had two babies

I know it’s been said to death, hell, I know I say it to death, but I’m gonna say it again (and I’ll never stop saying it):

God I loved the frosted makeup phase. Frosted eyeshadow was amazing, frosted lip colors even moreso. Bless.

It’s fair to ask what Cosby’s legacy will be, although we should push for a nuanced legacy (rather than a broad-strokes, he-was-a-bad/good-man legacy). Still, this is truly terrible timing. Bill Cosby’s contributions to black people in entertainment will still be true in 2-3 years when there aren’t cases currently

Don’t care don’t care don’t care, still gonna shell out all my moneys to see them live. I never have and am so psyched that now I’ll get the chance to.

I have had to refrain, on so much of The Muse’s coverage of fashion week shows, on commenting on how sickening the use of fur is. I know it’s been said ad nauseum, but it is barbaric and unnecessary and only expresses a commitment to self-interest and self-indulgence above any consideration for anything else. I am so

Well this is great to see, thanks for sharing. I only knew about all that cos a friend was admitted; hadn’t heard the updates. Shame, though, to see the gap between the values of the student/faculty body and the administration, but I reckon that gap exists most anywhere.