
Oh God. You’re right. It cannot be unseen.

Sorry I am new to kinja and only now noticed I had responses to this story!

No Aimee, thank YOU!

DAMN YOU JOHN LEGEND AND YOUR BEAUTIFUL SONG ABOUT LOVE. I was doing a pretty good job of holding it together until I watched this damn music video. Ugh for the love of crock pots my face is LEAKING. 😩

Palate cleanser! I swear to Dog this is true.

I have a similar story!! This was closer to 2001-2002 and I was 13 or 14. My step dad was a computer guy and we had a bunch of computers. I was on my (desktop) upstairs in the Big Room (as we called it). I was on AIM talking to my friend Will. I remember the computer kept acting sort of slow and wonky and glitchy but