
I would actually guess that it has a decent chance of being a 5-3 liberal win since the 2015 case was 5-4 for liberals and Scalia is the one no longer on the bench. Admittedly I am not familiar with the 2015 case so I don’t know if Kennedy would agree with the liberals here.

4/4 would make for a different result in North Carolina and Virginia.

Don’t aim so low! Secretary of the Treasury for you!

Totally qualified. And if it doesn’t work out, whatevs. Just quit.

This is why I Kinja..

If you can decorate, you can be minister of interior .

Wait, you buy things...?

I think they should consider me for Secretary of State. I haven’t actually been out of the country, but I did have a passport (it expired, sad!). I have also watched a number of TV shows and movies set in other countries. I also learned German in high school (I’ve forgotten most of it).

He has no expertise in housing policy, but he did spend part of his childhood in public housing...”

Pretty sure that if you, at some point, have felicitated Donald Trump, you’re in strong running for a cabinet position.

“... and when I hung up the phone it occurred to me, my boy was just like me yeah, my boy was just like me...

I have 5 step-grandkids. I love them all. The oldest is only 13.

Being in Ireland there’s a limit to what I personally can do; but everything I can do I am. I’m donating to the ACLU, SPLC, and two different LGBT organisations. I’m calling in favors left, right and centre to get trans and other LGBfolk I know in risky

I’m a little younger, but right there. This year I finally crawled out of the hole 2008 caused (unemployment + medical bills) and am looking to get my own place instead of renting a bedroom. Things have been looking good.

That Mother Teresa chick was actually not talented or good at all because she was so fucking poor.


Also a lot of them, including a lot of the worst of them, get there through inheritance (between 40 and 50%, by some estimates).

As a fellow middle-ager, I would like to take the opportunity to quote Frida Kahlo: “I hope the exit is joyful; and I hope never to return.”

You show me a billionaire who became a billionaire a) ethically b) on his or her own merit c) WITHOUT SOME RIDICULOUS SCAM THAT DEFRAUDED MANY MANY PEOPLE (hi, Theranos!) d) who don’t have an outrageous amount of lucky things go their way, then we can talk

Be careful with the frog’s legs, Mitt—they can sometimes taste a little Vichy.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with being a billionaire. The problem is that it’s getting harder and harder to be a billionaire without sacrificing principles and ethics.