Pink Footpath

I covered this, this person doesn’t care. This coercive shit head still thinks the onus for an enthusiastic yes is on the person who isn’t initiating the sex, and not on the person initiating to ensure that what they do have is an enthusiastic yes before proceeding. You’d be better off beating your head against a wall.

This is idiotic. I acknowledge the existence of violent, forcible rape. I acknowledge the existence of coercive, asshole behavior (e.g. receiving a “no” but continuing to press the issue in hopes that one can “wear down” the other person, etc). I have been crystal clear that a “no” (or equivalent verbal or physical

No, there are a lot of different types of experiences. I’m referring to a specific sort, based on accounts that have become incredibly common of late. It’s one issue among many, and if we’re unable to talk about it because everyone wants the issue at hand to be what happened to them (or some other sort of “monolithic

You’re dismissed.

You are continuing not to listen to me. You apparently need to me be something I’m not for the purposes of, I dunno, having someone to rant at, I guess. I’m done with this conversation.

I repeatedly told my ex boyfriend no, but he proceeded to insert himself into me anyway. That happened with more than one boyfriend and more than one occasion. I firmly told an acquaintance to stop touching me repeatedly and he ignored me, repeatedly, until I slapped him with all my might in front of the entire room.

Have you ever considered that when women unenthusiastically say yes, it’s likely because they don’t feel safe? That they’ve been conditioned since childhood to put aside their own discomfort in order to please men? That many times, it’s better for us to say yes and get it over with and live with the trauma of coerced

No, not really. Though to be perfectly honest, I didn’t see the supposed dip in quality that others appear to have.

It’s pretty obvious that Daredevil remains the big draw of that corner of Marvel/Netflix.

There’s a solid argument for Jessica Jones being better than Daredevil Season 2, but Luke Cage? Seriously? Not saying the show didn’t have its moments, but it was ultimately kind of a mess. I’m referring of course to Willis Stryker, who has the single most absurd, literally unbelievable motivation of any villain in

The onus is on the active, initiating person to establish interest and consent. Always. Period. If a girl does not clearly communicate she wants to be kissed, then there is no kiss, and no one is harmed. The absence of action is not the equal opposite of action.

Now playing

One of my favorite Hiromi performances, where she’s playing with the great Anthony Jackson.

Yeah, I mean, I’m not talking about situations where verbal consent hasn’t been given, or has been outright denied. Obviously, those are situations where you don’t pursue it any further.

Theres a right way and a wrong way to make an advance, and it is up to us to be socially intelligent enough to figure out when.

I’m confused, how can you be turned down if you don’t make the advance in the first place?

God should thank PTA for having made Boogie Nights.

Pretty much. Why develop when people are giving them $700M a year for in game currency.

I don’t understand how anybody can be sore about GTA V on this point. It’s not like you paid for DLC and never got it. You got a complete game (which is saying a hell of a lot in this day and age) for $60 which has exactly zero microtransactions contained within it. People used to get pissed about DLC, because they

I agree that a lot of the coverage is pretty simplistic but I have to say that the charge of totalitarianism against the central Madrid government isnt way off...

Yeah, but if you don’t make your game Ultra Super Shiny, those same internet loudmouths who rant about price then start to rant about “looks like PS2" “why isn’t it DX14/stressing my $1000 GPU” “looks like trash” etc.