I created a burner for this but I really need advice. I’m a young twenty something and haven’t had sex yet because if I’m being honest I was just afraid of men, I’ve been sexually assaulted a couple of times and it’s really shaken me to the least. As some of you can probably guess these sexual assaults haven’t been…
Happy Thanksgiving Weekend to my fellow Canucks! Be jealous of our turkeys and pies, Americans!
Heard outside Stay Classy, New York: “Well, that bar tab escalated quickly.”
Today, my dad and I saw the usual protestors outside the local Planned Parenthood but it was a bigger crowd. We realized it wasn’t just the anti abortion people but also people fighting for Planned Parenthood. They were gathered into a crowd together. My dads honked the horn and we waved to the pro Planned Parenthood…
I ran my fourth half marathon of the year today, and I am tired! I did get my fastest time for the year, but not my fastest time ever. My husband and I were running together and I panicked and slowed down a lot when he clutched the left side of his chest, but it was just nipple chaffing, not a heart attack thank glob.
We used to have a family joke that we would open a restaurant called “Travolta’s” where all the waiters would be dressed like John Travolta characers and the only thing that we would serve were cheeseburgers, fries and a $5 shake.