It must be the post-Christmas /New Year blues or something, but I can’t help but think that as bad as we all thought 2019 was, 2020 is going to be worse (on both a personal and bigger scale).
It must be the post-Christmas /New Year blues or something, but I can’t help but think that as bad as we all thought 2019 was, 2020 is going to be worse (on both a personal and bigger scale).
Or just invite me round, because that hateful sparkly s*** is attracted to me in a wholly unnatural manner
Or just invite me round, because that hateful sparkly s*** is attracted to me in a wholly unnatural manner
i have a secret hope the assistant pushed her, or at least saw it coming and filmed it...
Im still slightly embarrassed I had to have "hot mess" explained to me; I thought it was more of a compliment (they're a mess, but they're hot!) than an insult...
I always approach Book threads with a certain amount of apprehension; I get excited reading the recommendations but I know I won’t read them. Meanwhile, the books I’m reading tend to feature exploding helicopters quite often...
Thanks for the Bruce update! Looks like I shall have to transfer my attention to Dash now
I have no plans whatsoever for the new year and as much as I would like to be out doing something outrageous on New Year's Eve, I know it ain't happening. I will journal more this year, continue to thin out clutter and be generally more efficient in life. That's the ideal, anyway...
Love right back atcha!
Put me down for an original! It is truly wonderful!
I got pretty much everything I asked for, but I also got guilt tripped heavily because of it. I also had a stomach bug.
Thr nightmare would truly be complete if it was me doing the singing.
Your mention of having and using a CD player made me think; I have several devices that play CDs, but I don't have a CD player (as in, that's its only purpose). I think ripping them in a high quality and keeping the truly meaningful/rare ones is the way to go. I think how easily I whittled it down to what I have now…
I don't know where, but we have that on DVD too!
We had a quick visit into our town centre today, and it was hell! A fight even broke out (over what I don't know) and I was just glad to get home. I will be glad when it's all over; we're keeping our Christmas quite low-key and even we're beginning to feel stressed by it all
Given the choice between spending time with some of my relatives and their dogs, I know which I’d pick!
There are, and I guess always will be media that don't make it to the next generation; I'm less worried about being able to watch, say, True Detective in ten years time as I am that Edge of Darkness' DVD release will be the last time it will be available, ever
I’m ripping them in high quality files, but I will probably keep them. There are only a few discs rare or sentimental enough to keep that they’re going to take up much space. I laughed at the mention of vinyl; I took a box to the charity shop today!
Yay Bruce!!
I am mostly decluttering, or at least thinking about what to declutter at the moment. I’m trying hard to decide what to do with physical media such as CDs though; has streaming online has largely rendered them obsolete, or am I justified keeping them?