
I went to a puppet show adaptation of Chaucer when I was in school, and they sold “I’m invisible!” badges for £1, so you could opt out of being involved (and the production made some extra money too!)

After a good session clearing out today, we have a bunch of stuff to run to a local charity shop and even more to get to the dump somehow. I think much of what’s in the loft now are toys, a couple of boxes of books (not junk!), pillows/duvets and luggage

Thank you for the update, your generosity is an example to us all ❤️

Are you kidding? The new Star Wars film has yet to be released and you know the fans are taking it straight to number one on this list

They're a thing? I so need a mentor for writing my applications and prepping for interviews, because I undersell myself so, so much

Well, in my world I bought a lovely fountain pen yesterday, Amazon are sending my latest order on a tour of the south east of the UK and I’ve now managed to cut my antidepressant dose down to a quarter of what I was on. I do have a headache coming on although I’m not sure why and I am a bit sad no-one invited me to

Beautiful tattoo and I love the colours!

Some mother's behaviour beggars belief; my OHs mum used to get her & her sisters to write lists of what they wanted, and when they produced them she'd tell them they didn't deserve them as they hadn't been good enough!! WTF?! 

It wasn’t really my faux Pas, but years ago the hospital used to open the restaurant for a free buffet for staff on Christmas Day. Unfortunately, it only takes one person with poor hand hygiene to rummage through the vol au vents and you’ve got a potential disaster on your hands, which is what happened to me Boxing

The UK, so it's technically illegal but my complete lack of guile is the biggest barrier

I would love to try edibles but I have no idea where to start. I am so uncool & naive ☹️

I can see Andrew withdrawing from public duties to an exotic island with few to no extradition treaties... 

Cats can be funny about their favourite toys; I’ve got a 4 mile journey to Pets at Home (& back) later today, to buy some spare stuffed toy fish for Luna. It has to be blue, as it’s the only one she’ll play fetch with!

It’s good to hear from you, Maya ❤️

Assuming I could get into that position, that’s the last thing anyone would want to see

I feel like I've experienced a similar thing, even ungreyed, if I don't post in the initial flurry of activity. I guess it's why I didn't enjoy Discord so much; if you weren't in the conversation then you was a bystander

It just means we can fill it up while they're asleep! 

I was just wondering too; i noted her email address when she posted it before and was thinking about saying hi.

I made an audio recording (and had to listen back to it) as part of a course of counselling. I was supposed to listen multiple times, but once was enough. The writing is quite sporadic and depends far too much on me having somewhere quiet to do it but if I have a good run at it, I can get quite an amount down.

Removing myself from the situation is the first thing I’ll do, if it’s possible. Sometimes I’ll write, but I don’t do it perhaps as often as I should. Occasionally I’ll put something on my kinja blog (it’s there if anyone wants to read it, I’ve no idea how to point you to it, though)