She is. We’ve had her a little under a year
She is. We’ve had her a little under a year
Good to hear from you, Maya. I had been keeping my eye out for any updates from you 💖
I’d say Regular Show, but given the 80s references it probably wouldn't have made much sense
What's going on here?!
I managed to quit close to 10 years ago, and it wasn't easy. Everyone has to have a reason to want to quit (imho) - mine was my son who was at that point a year old. I'd wake up having dreamt I'd had a smoke and feel guilty, until I woke up enough to realise that didn't count! One day at a time, use the money you…
I whinged about this on GT earlier, but if my nose runs any more (cold + hayfever) I'm going to need iv fluids...
I just had a flashback to a friend and I playing "Stay" over and over, writing down the lyrics. I tried counting how many songs I knew, but nostalgia made me keep losing count
I’d have thought you would have kept going until Thongskgiving?
Me too. This, and rapture jokes...
Am I the only person who would've got into the cockpit and started pressing buttons? The power wasn't on, so it's not like anything is going to work, right? Also, shouldn't the emergency doors and inflatable slides work, even with the power off?
I think I’m reaching the point where my Indiana Jones outfit ought to be replaced with a Henry Jones sr (Sean Connery) one. “It’s not the years, it’s the mileage” - or in my case, both :)
Fact: in Secondary school, our drama teacher really wanted to put on a performance of the Rocky Horror Show, but for some reason was never able to get approval.... (Didn’t stop her casting us in roles, were it to have ever got off the ground)
I was just scrolling through, hoping for a post from you! 😃
Thank you BOH1066. I was pretty chilled about it when I had it put in, but the prospect of having the unit changed is making me nervous. Plenty of sedatives pre-procedure, I think ;-)
Crap, just remembered I’ve got my pacemaker check coming up this week. I guess I’ll get an idea as to how soon it’ll need to be replaced depending on how much battery power is left; I’ll have had it 10 years next year
Dash and the Savage Kitty© are stealing my heart.
Such a lovely colour!
We had an RAF Typhoon go supersonic over my county this afternoon; the boom rattled windows all over the town, ours included.