Hope you get a swift answer, and hopefully the Dr will a) take you seriously and b) review what medication you may be on for possible culprits and c) get some simple but hopefully insightful tests done (bloods, ECG +/- 24 hour tape)
Hope you get a swift answer, and hopefully the Dr will a) take you seriously and b) review what medication you may be on for possible culprits and c) get some simple but hopefully insightful tests done (bloods, ECG +/- 24 hour tape)
I hope you snatched it up so fast it got whiplash!
Harvard just needs a human who "gets" them. By the way, if you could just pop Dash and Harvard in the post to us, we'd be very grateful!!
Hi all, hope everybody’s well. I’m reeling from getting a mention in this week’s Pissing Contest; it ranks above the comment of the day I once earned on Jalopnik on my list of achievements! I'm nervous/excited about the new start on Monday, even though I know the week is going to be mostly sitting in a classroom as a…
Because the original article does a far better job than I could;
Finally I seem to have some confirmation that I start my new post (a secondment) next week. Here’s hoping I’ll be doing what I have been led to believe I will, but I’m feeling optimistic and keen.
I regret I have only one star to give you ❤️
Shout out for Pocket Size Cosplay's double appearance!
That reminds me of my student nurse days, when someone took a dump in one of the baths (I guess they couldn't find a toilet free?)...
I have horrible memories of working in a milk bottling factory one summer as a teenager. Hours screwing caps onto bottles; pushing carts, empty and full, up and down the factory; loading and emptying trucks. All in a half inch of watered down milk, the building built on a slight slope so that everything washes away.…
Bruce deserves all the belly rubs! Also, do you claim the cost of replacing your shoelaces as a work expense? 😀
Come back soon! ❤️
Wise words; I extracted anything that might have sounded sarcastic and settled for an “I look forward to hearing from you” approach to one conversation (about the secondment & the lack of progress). The other one which is a conversation about the lack of a rota, I've gone with emphasising how impactful it is not…
If you need any help, I will do anything I can x
I’m trying hard to get the tone of a couple of emails I need to send right; I’ve been waiting on an internal secondment since March with absolutely no progress. As far as I can find out, the position which was offered to me originally now has to be advertised and thus (I presume) go through all of the usual HR hoops.…
Maya, you have let no one down. Wishing you the strength and peace you need
Will Ivanka catch a sniffle and have to make use of the National Health Service?
I don’t think I’ve ever encountered a hairball from any of our cats; I’m not sure if it’s through luck or because they had the decency not to do it at home (have cleaned up much cat puke though 😱)
It’s been a little while since I last posted, but I’m coming back out of my shell!