
You’ll find no shortage of museums (and other places to visit) in London; as you said, the V&A, British museum plus the Science museum and the Natural History museum, both of which are across the road from the V&A. There’s the Museum of London, London Transport museum (not free, unless you’re under 16) and the Tower

And now I've learned this too! I am so naive...

Ripley looks like she's nothing but skin and bones under all that fur! She must weigh hardly anything

Glad to hear you're doing well

It snowed a bit in my neck of the woods in the UK, resulting in most people dressing up as Arctic explorers. A fleece jacket and t-shirt combo was still good enough for me ;-)

Always like an early SNS, and being at work I will up all night to read everyone's posts (maybe work too, if it comes to that 🙄).

Regarding the clip on ties; does Hays start wearing normal, knotted ties in the later timelines? 

Attitudes like that are why I spent too much of my life in high risk behaviours instead of getting the help I needed, help it got harder to ask for with every year that passed.

I flip between what I think I want; I was thinking about a sci-fi themed arm tattoo, which would probably cost a fortune....

I’m happy to report a pretty good week; I think I’m starting to feel the benefits of my new medication, albeit with the gastric side effects still there.

Love to the kittehs! 

Hang tough, Maya

I’m going to hell for this, but the first thing I thought of when I saw that picture was....

My brother and I saw Akira in the Scala cinema in London, back in the very late 80s. Something something, get off my lawn....

Glad Blanche is recovering well!

Fingers crossed, I hope they don't keep you hanging on any longer!

I had a rough start to my week, with what I thought was gastric problems but turned out to side effects from new medication. I had my latest counseling session too; I felt really annoyed at myself after for talking around everything, even things I thought I wanted to discuss.

To be fair, on the ration pack food I’ve eaten, the expiration date is more of an inspection date. I’ve eaten some majorly out of date ration food, with neither a second thought nor any consequences. You're on your own for the other stuff though...

A coffee made with kitchen descaler, or the first, thirsty swallow thereof. Pretty sure they were trying to kill me, despite their apologies!

I had a fairly big clear out of books a few years ago, and broke them down into 3 categories; keepers, charity shop donations and ones to give to a relative who wanted to start an Amazon bookshop as a hobby. The Amazon app has a feature where you can scan the barcode to look things up - useful for checking prices. I