
I think I know what you mean about the self censorship; I also either get bogged down with grammar, or or else I get frustrated by not being able to keep up with my thoughts. I like the immediacy which the lack of formality allows me.

Thank you for the update! Again, in an ideal world, I would have adopted Decima already

I’ve started to indulge my creative side and write some “poetry”; I’ve been writing a lot recently as part of my counseling, and sometimes writing in a more formal journal style doesn't let me get things out fast enough, or else I overthink what I'm writing. I'm enough of a noob that I only know it's free verse, and

The absence of Jaffa cakes on this list concerns me....

I’m starting to come down with a cold, and I’m scared images from this video will populate my fever-dreams....

And I think it’s worth saying that this (in all likelihood) wasn’t a one-off, nor was it the first time she had been assaulted. Whichever piece of shit was doing this, was probably doing it for a while

The fact that there is an audience at all for this is disconcerting

That is what truly concerns me.

Bleh, just re-read my post and realised a bit was missing; it should’ve continued along the lines of “...that makes it difficult to continue. I’ll try poetry instead, or else enjoy everyone’s contributions to SNS instead “

Thank you; I’ve just re-read the last few pages, and I ended on a pretty powerful note the last time I wrote .

They look delicious and I have no words to say how jealous I am; when it comes to cooking, I have no talent whatsoever. 

“When words and actions don’t match, believe the actions.”

I really want to sit up and read everyone’s posts on this SNS, but I’m so tired and I need to write in my “journal” for my counselling. 

Blanchie is so cute (doesn’t hurt that she reminds me of my last cat), hope she feels better quickly after the surgery. I'm now thinking about tiny cat dentures, and I can't stop giggling....

I quit 10 years ago, and it was the best thing I ever did. I always said I’d stop when I became a parent and when that day happened, I started. It wasn’t easy, but my son has never known me to smoke

Chaperones are standard at the hospital I work in too.

No formal reunion for us, but one person managed to track a bunch of us down (pre-social media) and we went out, got drunk and caught up with each other. Turns out not a huge amount, but we had fun finding out. I recently tried looking up a few people on Facebook but with my skills, coupled with time, marriage name

Me too, but the non-fizzy sports drink ones. Not that I have to worry tonight, as I'm working!

Now playing

Thank you for sharing your pictures. These aren’t my cats, but I like to play it to ours because a) it’s cute and b) I like to watch their responses