My pleasure :-)
My pleasure :-)
Seconded; you are not a bummer and to echo what you have said, help or at least a listening ear is out there. I’ve leaned on the SNS community enough in the last to know you can can all make a massive difference to someone and in the last year had help from work colleagues past and present, my counsellor, GP and I’m…
It’s great you did so well and enjoyed your open mic! I can’t even imagine standing up in front of a crowd like that. Do you have a plan of what you’re going to say, or is it all of the cuff? It’s inspiring me to start something creative next year; I’ve been flying with either learning to play an instrument, or…
I'm glad your Christmas was a good one, after all you've been through to get there.
What is it with cats and their beds? Ours has a choice of comfy resting places, but prefers an Amazon box lined with Christmas wrapping paper...
I’m intending to be more positive, giving, and having a better outlook on things in the hope it will be reciprocated.
New year 1992 into ‘93, a student’s union party that a group of us student RNs had scored tickets to, and perhaps more importantly, a free coach ride there and back from. Much drinking and dancing ensued, and unknown to 21year old Springboard, a girl had taken a fancy to me. A girl who decided to take the slow dance…
I took a couple of Bright Blue Stoppers, but they didn't work for me....
I don't know why I keep revisiting this post; its content and some of the comments make me so angry
Fantastic news; I was hoping you'd post an update on here when you were feeling better
It's appreciated
Thank you; I’m already on a vitamin D supplement as I was seriously deficient (and in summer too), although I haven’t had my levels checked recently. I wish GPs were able to prescribe gym memberships like they could once; that’s probably the only way I could afford to go regularly. My “homework” for my counselling was…
I’m really not, I’m afraid. And the weird thing is I can't stop worrying about another Jezzie who (IIRC) was having surgery this week and I haven't seen post.
I was going to ask a similar question, I've got counseling ongoing but I've been up and down all week, mostly down and am really struggling. I tried contacting Samaritan's, but I can't go through it on the phone, and I emailed them but I haven't had a reply. I'm pretty sure my counselor is only likely to be…
You’re no failure. DerbyDuck put it far better than I could have; you are a bad-ass.
I got a belt last Christmas that I could almost wrap around myself twice and trousers that were 4" too big in the waist. And that was before I lost 3 stones in weight...
You beat me to it!