
Sounds exciting and mysterious and I wish you every bit of luck! Do you start soon?

Ask and you shall receive, thank you all. Here’s my own contribution;

Someone else with an implanted device! Regular pacemaker here for a symptomatic bradycardia with pauses. Hope everything goes well for you

Good luck with the results! I'm a bit late to the conversation, but as others have said keep an open mind about other, non-cardiac causes and I hope the specialist does too.

Anyone know any good jokes? Make me smile, I f••king need it.

Share anyway; I’m always waiting for SNS to come around, and when I get to it there’s already 200+ posts and I'm worried no-one will see what I write because in the greys....

Can we have requests? I'd like the Laurel and Hardy theme (Dance of the Cuckoos?), they'll look extra silly then....

Should anyone be reading this, I am suitably drunk and having a ball and kind of wishing this would be all night 💕

I’m imagining somewhere there’s ASCII art pictures of me in less-than-flattering clothing/situations.....

Agreed; I registered on Twitter, and then said “Actually, no” and logged out and never went back

All I can think of is how ungainly i would look clambering out of that...

Well, I have a friend (and former colleague’s) wedding reception to attend this week. Just me, as impending ex and son didn’t want to go, so I’m waiting to hear from someone else so we can share a taxi. Needless to say, I shall be getting drunk and fortunately I'm generally a happy drunk. If there's any, I'll follow

True about the media; there’s no reason an interview should go on that long (presuming it actually did) other than the interviewers rubbing their hands together, thinking "This is gold!"

Thank you all for your kind words and support. If I am lucky enough to be able to spend a week or so visiting friends, I want to feel like it’s a positive thing; not running away, or even as a means to say goodbye. A post I made earlier this week triggered some far from resolved feelings in me, prompting me to start

I’m thinking of reconnecting with some old friends and taking a holiday around the UK by train, before I take the plunge and engage with some proper long term counselling. I had some as treatment for PTSD and while I won’t say I enjoyed it, I appreciated what it for me. My current relationship is dead, and I would

My attacker kept their clothes on. Never mind I was so drunk I wasn’t aware my clothes were being removed, let alone protest.

I don’t know how you feel about zoos, but London Zoo is perhaps my favourite place on earth. If I died tomorrow, I’d happily have my ashes scattered there

Keeping positive this week and very much ignoring the unpleasantness going on in life, so here’s a repost of my heterochromic (?) left eye;

Marine boy was my memory, but not on the original run; sometime in the 70s in the UK. As a side note, it’s the 30th anniversary of Akira, which my brother managed to score tickets to a screening of at the Scala cinema in London 
