
Anyone else on Jezebel with heterochromia? I’ve only recently found out that’s the name for why my eyes (particularly my left) look like they do:

Thank you, and everyone else who replied; that makes it easier. It may be that I never even make it to interview, but I'd hate myself if I didn't even try.

A very specific question here, and perhaps one best answered by a UK commenter; I’m currently employed, but on a secondment to an area away from where I usually work. My problem is there’s a new post I intend to apply for but I really don’t know who to put as a reference? My previous (but still technically mine) line


I came to the realisation last week that I’ve probably reached the tipping point where I’ve had more birthdays than I probably now have left, unless I live to (just below) a 100. Better stop pissing about and enjoy myself, I guess

Any advice for avoiding some of the tacticool replicas that populate sites like Amazon? Apart from don’t buy the cheap ones?

What if I want to catalogue books that don’t have barcodes?

I hope you recover well, and soon, from your surgery. As I’m sure other commenters have said/will say, you ought to feel so much better afterwards. It’s apples and oranges, but it was only after I had my pacemaker did I realise how shitty I’d been feeling before (I had a recorded heart rate of 25bpm when I was asleep

Like the studio cares beyond knowing how their dollars spend?

A little late to the party here (nothing new!), perhaps because my life is still slowly crumbling, but I was wondering something; what's the longest interval between making a comment and getting a recommend you've had. I had one just this week, 18 months after posting and probably a year since the last "like". Anyone

Remake Brewster's Millions? 

Please hold on. My marriage is failing, I feel like I’m losing my son, my mind. No-one knows how I’m feeling because I’m such a good actor about my emotions. It’s my birthday in two days. The only thing keeping me going is the hope things will get better

I’m conflicted about him; on one hand he’s a recovering alcoholic who does, from some of the Nerdist podcasts I’ve listened to, frequently find ways to make the conversation about him and talk over guests to make his own jokes. But sometimes he can be a very insightful and interesting interviewer who seems to apply

Probably for the last season of the Walking Dead, for all Daryl did...

Seconded; it’ll happen.

I’m jealous you have 2 groups to play with! I’ve played D&D a total of once, enjoyed the hell out of it (I was the one charging into rooms, sword flailing) but never was able to find anyone who was into it, let alone a group.

I recently (in the last 6weeks) stopped taking mirtazipine. Didn’t reduce the dose or anything just stopped cold; haven’t had any major problems, perhaps because I was on about the lowest dose, but felt I ought to do it because I was only meant to be on it for a while (18months) and because it just didn’t seem to be

You would’ve loved/hated Alien War a live action experience.

Why does it seem like everyone can sing, except me? I truly could not carry a tune in a bucket...

Me too; I figured eventually someone will recognise I either have something to contribute, or at least that I’m not full of crap, and ungrey me. I’ll probably still be posting in the greys in my nineties...