Searched this; read enough to understand. Medicine has some fucked up priorities, sometimes.
Searched this; read enough to understand. Medicine has some fucked up priorities, sometimes.
I think it’s the pulling them I’d struggle with....
Danse Macabre needs properly updating so much. I can’t remember which films were on his 15 best horror films, but it was written before The Thing, An American Werewolf in London, Evil Dead and so many other films were made
When they announced Harry and Meghan’s titles, I was disappointed he wouldn’t be Duke of Earl...
Don’t forget sunscreen! It may be England, but our sun burns just as much (enjoy counting the red shoulders, arms and noses tomorrow 😉)
You should try Hampton Court; full of stately home trappings, and a relatively short train ride out of London
I’m not a religious person, but please, God, what will it take to effect a change?
Where are you going to be for the wedding? Somewhere special?!
“We are all much older than we think” - tell me about it, I realised recently that less time has passed between the end of WW2 and me buying my first album than has passed between buying that record and now....
He wanted to leave and cut the cord with the military?
This; another apparently easy game that could never complete. See MGS too, I never got further than half way through the Rex battle...
Just an update for anyone who’s read and actually remembers any of my posts, but I finally managed to talk my way into a secondment in a new post and I absolutely f**king loved my first week. If only sorting out the rest of my life was that simple....
I’d love to ask you for some advice, but i.I’m not sure I’m ready for your answer. What should I do?
I think some pretty terrible stories are going to come to light when this comes to trial
I ordered a second-hand book from Amazon and got sent a book very reminiscent of (any) one of those. It became a running joke at work to flick through the pages at random and try and read it without laughing. Until one person opened it at the exact middle, and was confronted by a toe-curlingly explicit 5 page sex…
It’s a schooner.....
I’ve just had to get used to showers; the bath in our house is tiny, and i ain’t small either! There’d probably be more me than water in the bath....
Hot Rod Apprentice was my favourite (and can barely be found anywhere now, even YouTube)
Brit here, offering a perspective on the c word; it’s use, and the tolerance towards it, have increase drastically even in my lifetime. A colleague and I were discussing this the other week, and we agreed that if you shouted it in earshot of a policeman 30 years ago, you’d probably have got arrested. Now, you’d…