
Concerned was a web comic based on the misadventures of Gordon Frohman, as he passed through the world some 2 weeks before the arrival of a certain Mr Freeman. At one point, Kleiner’s teleporter sent Frohman to a Counter Strike served, which I was reminded of by this. And I feel old for having to explain this.

Bring back Concerned!

That’s about 224 more than I can manage.....

I don’t have the time to grind, nor can I justify spending the (real) money on cards. I can’t be the only person who goes online at Christmas when they turn on the snow?

Pfffft, it’s just a modern version of when I used to leave faked Shenmue 3 cases in the pre-owned bin at Electronics Boutique.....

All they have to do now is resurrect the NegCon controller and I’m in. It suited WipEout perfectly!

At work, we’ve discussed what we’d do if someone walked into the clinical area with a weapon and demanded what few (but potent) opiates we have. My response would be to ask if they a bag to carry it. I’m not getting cut for the sake of a few dozen milligrams of diamorphine....

Given the price of the most faithful replicas, was anyone else hoping this would be the most accurate version, short of actually building it out of real gun parts (a la Adam Savage)?

Anyone got any words of wisdom for a couple spiralling on the edge of breaking up? Been together 18 years, married 15, and both have our flaws. Going through through a period of awkward silences, arguments by text when I’m at work and general antagonism, mostly from them.

Like so many British politicians; “I’m sorry you were offended by my comments... “ ie not sorry for saying it, just your fault for being upset.

Great article, and I remember playing Starship 1 on holiday as a child!

While I was getting my first tattoo, a couple of girls came in and asked for a ‘666' tattoo on her hairline. She was promptly told to get out by the second tattooist, who’s non-tattooed skin could’ve been covered with two hands. His shop, his choice.

May have been a retired police drug sniffer...

I identify with this dog...

If you created this, my one regret is I can only star you once....

All you need now is......

An awesome set, and a good starting point for a Metal Gear Rex conversion, perhaps?