
This is the very reason I despise them. The non-stop nickel-and-dime-ing gets very old very fast. I want to pay just one price, that includes baggage and some pop/crackers during the flight and allows me a carry on (hello, SW). To purchase a flight then have to pre-plan all the various ways I must pack my shit to

Insurance? They’ll just pass a law that forbids insurance companies from refusing to insure, or some shit. And if there’s pushback, his DoJ will threaten to imprison insurance CEOs. And if that threat receives pushback, they’ll actually imprison the people giving the pushback.

Do firefighters take specific courses in snake handling? Otherwise, why would a fireman and not, say, a pet store owner, be the best person to perform a snakectomy? And does Scottsdale not have animal control?

Biden’s clean-energy policies will be tough to end because they are popular

They’ll just pass legislation that precludes insurance companies from dropping or refusing insurance on Teslas.  Please dont laugh like this is impossible; it’s the very level of corruption and bullshit that will be de rigueur in about 2.5 months.

These are all over Iowa, or were a few years back.  Took over some QTs and make ‘em Kum and Gos.  Made it much harder to rook personal ‘zas and po’ boys.

That brown-lighted reenactment was grizzly.  Regarding the car, gunna need a wrecker to polar outta there....

Dont worry about rail....this admin is going to need rail to move the 6 million “illegals”, to their camps deportation centers. And when other countries refuse to accept these folks, perhaps these captured, demonized folks can be employed at the camps to do things, perhaps for very little food, but free showers.

Single handedly stole 9 cars? Does this guy run marathons? He’d have to steal the car, drive it miles down the street, then run back and repeat. Would put in a minimum of 10-15 miles on the sneakers.  Meanwhile, no alarm is ringing at the dealership?  No one notices a man jogging back and forth 9 different times at

Going to say the same thing. 25 thousand rolls of duct tape is BS. Even 10K rolls is BS. I cannot imagine the time it would take to unroll 10K rolls....At best, 3 mins per roll, so 30000 mins, or 20 days going at 24/7 for just 10K. 

It’s also possible that the buyer knows that there’s a exponentially increasing percent chance that humans wont be a thing in 20 years, or at least paying for things with standard money and such wont be a thing.  

$14K for a rusting pile of trash?  Is this a joke?

So Spirit’s giving up the ghost....?

Anode you were being serious...iron gunna argue with yer facts.  

How is “assault” not one of the charges?  Or will that be specific just for the driver?

Well water tastes better with arsenic and methyl mercury. At least at first, before you die days later. Bring back the leaded paint and leaded gasoline!

Certainly cant be the rider, it would have to be the owner. The idea that I could be arrested on a Monday morning for a fatal hit-and-run caused by my autonomous car’s actions while I sleep Sunday night is mind-blowing. Who’s ready to take that gamble?

the speed at which you can load anything is still dependent on the speed of light

Oh my...you’re about to see outright theft to a magnitude that would make even the best despots blush. Stopping SS payments will merely be a drop in the bucket when it comes to stealing gov’t assets and reassigning the assets to the top 0.01%.

Doesn’t there have to be more to this? If the trucks were on the shoulder, and not within the road width, a vehicle driving correctly in its lane should not have made contact, speeding or not.