Is that a rat? Gnaw, it couldn’t be.
Is that a rat? Gnaw, it couldn’t be.
I fully expect that if T wins, he will turn 180 on our alliances, and go into bed with the Soviets and North Koreans, while backing out of NATO. Gunna quite literally be a whole new (terrible, very terrible) world.
I’ll say it again — these punks are playing with fire; eventually they’ll pull this obvious stunt on the wrong person, who will either open fire or beat the living shit out of several of them. This is so brazenly staged that certain people will choose to mete out justice before LEOs can.
Came here to say the same thing. Not just the “not really floppy” floppys (with the hard case), but the actual large, exposed, easily bendable giant circa-1985 floppys. That’s so retro it’s actually kinda cool.....
Pretty obvious you have a NK spy when he sports a very Asian visage and terrible English, hates on BTS, cherishes memories of eating uncooked ramen, yet goes by the name of Clarence William Smith from Provo Utah.
Gunna be That Guy by pointing out that one of the reasons the wheelchair “system” is so broken (equipment, availability, quality of transport) is because so many able-bodied people are abusing it. Because they can board first, it’s become the go-to for uber-dicks to claim a need for such assistance, then when…
The Reuters report didn’t specify which drugs he had in his system, but WardsAuto reports it was, in fact, weed
You mean the ones in the back that sprint up to the front the plane the nanosecond the plane comes to a stop, in order to be first in line to exit? Those assholes are why Tasers were made, IMO. Yes, looking at you, Millennials flying Southwest.
Because the back seaters will often fill the first overhead bins with their shit because they’re too lazy to carry it further both ways. That forces the fronters to have to use the overheads in the back, which upon deplaning, requires them to swim upstream (translation: wait for all peeps to clear before heading…
55-year-old Wisconsin man
Real question: How is ASS any different than FSD, except at lower speeds? And since Tesla’s gone out of their way to declare that FSD actually needs a human to monitor things, why can ASS exist without one? How is this allowed?
The money was real (makes sense - meth dealers aren’t in the forging business)
So....things not normal in Normal?
LOL.....hahahahha. If you think “serious conflicts of interest” are going to matter to those in the Trump Admin, boy do I have some bridges over the Pacific to sell ya. The 1st go-around was CoI, one after another. In this one it will likely be a mandatory thing. As will breaking rules/laws, followed by Trump pardons…
If Trump wins this election, he’s so petty I can see him directing federal highway money only to those states that he wins. Or at the very least, excluding Cali, Illinois, and NY from any money. Going to establish the haves and have-nots in order to own the will be uuuuuuuugly.
That price is about half of what the current market would expect. That’s NP all the way and then some. In fact, it’s so absurdly low that part of me believes it cant be true.
NTSB, probably: “Wow, it’s amazing that none of these deceased passengers wore any jewelry, carried zero cash or credit cards in any of the recovered wallets, or even had a single gold crown”....
Actually it contains chloride; chlorine is diatomic. But I understand your point.
I realize many people are all “dur, you buy from (name a automaker) and dont know the CEO’s politix!!1!!” but Musk has sooooo gone over the cliff in his pro-facism support, that I believe he’s repulsed about half the country from buying his products.
What’s the reason that the 4th guy walks away? I realize the pickup car is there in case the accident is so bad that the Camry isn’t drivable, but why does one person purposely walk away into the abetting vehicle? I dont understand this part.