
I suspect it wont be long until they attempt this on the wrong person, who jumps out and quickly empties a clip either due to rage or abject fear for safety. I’d think SYG laws would support it, too.

I’m at a loss to understand why the woman did not call the police and report an aggregated assault; attempted injury with a dangerous weapon, or something like that.  THAT would have gotten the cops to respond, and pretty much describes the crime.

This struck me -- the guy is making $120-150K and cant even pay rent.   Hopefully he can sleep in his Corvette.

The implication was that it is likely the driver was of Latino ethnicity, and the person doing the assault was motivated by racism (Trump fans tend to believe everyone of Hispanic origin is “an illegal” and therefore worth assaulting).   

Counterpoint:  where are all the donated organs going to come from if everyone is forced to wear a helmet?

“accidentally”...LOL.  Comedy gold.

What’s not clear is why he couldn’t himself enter the facility and get this name he wanted.  Why was he unable to do this?

So the truck maker declares it weighs 4 tons metric, but the Czech officials just went all “nah, we know it’s 3.5, cuz rea$on$”? I did not realize bribery could be so overt and involve something so objectively disprovable.

Did I misread this, or is he really dogging on Mercedes — a German company — for doing their manufacturing in Germany?

It’s also feasible to believe that this “million” number was purposefully inflated as a stock price manipulator, as Musk is wont to do.

Also Ukiah police chief: “WHOA....where’s my 3rd row of seats?  I bought this fancy, new Corvette C8 and there’s no 3rd row??  WTF?”

*its wake*, *its glory*

$15 billion hit? Meh.....so he goes from ~$230 bill to $215 bill (on paper). Assuming he lives another ~30 years, that just means he must reduce his daily spending from $20.9 million to $19.5 million.  I’m guessing this will not lead to any undue hardships on his part.

I’m just stunned to learn there’s first-class service between NYC and Detroit. Biz class, sure. But actual first-class for what’s a 2 hour flight? What kind of unique and cant-miss perks does one expect during a 2 hour flight?

Do charges apply for not applying charging?

Someone’s playing the Flaming 7(37)s!

Couldn’t Tesla just insure them themselves?  I mean, why not, if the build quality is as good as they claim?  They shouldn’t have to make any payouts, being the car is built on sub-micron specs....

who warned that the way he drives could lead to an accident