
its bespoke autonomous vehicle that doesn’t have a steering wheel called Origin

It’s a moving computer. Throw your lappy out a 2nd story window....say, into some grass, and you’ll get just enough damage to bork it but it wont look unborkable. Yet it is, b/c 2.3 million different electrical connections need to be intact and some of them are now in fact tact, and ya don’t know which ones, and you

Like a frightened turtle!

How is this pronounced? Girl Boss? Girl Booze? Girl Bose?  Great Lesbos?

I’m not understanding this....sprayed with pop, yup, I can see that.  Foam on the uniform or even in one’s hair.  But...injured due to spray? Huh? The cans themselves are not grenading in their hands....so what injuries have been caused?

Uh....what’s a “hunting vehicle”?  Owned by Good Will?  

Devil’s advo -- right lane travel requires on-going moving over to accommodate merging cars.  In a big city, those merging lanes are every half-mile seemingly.  Gets really old moving left, then back to right, then left....probably why many peeps just say eff it, I’m camping in the left until the highway gets more

“We are a stable company,” she added.

^^THIS. Pretty sure weed would have been “found” had the driver had enhanced levels of melanin.

Just observing from a distance in places that I go, it seems it’s damn near-impossible for a teen to turn their phone off. Ever. Completely serious — try to observe a teen shopping, standing around, or at a restaurant that does not pick up their phone for a span of > 5 minutes.  You wont.  They cant.  Apparently while

Pro tip: do not attempt to buy vehicles from gentlemen named “Viktor Stefurc” and “Oleg Tyulenev”. Also, maybe dont buy anything from Hollywood, FL, which is Ft. Laud’s illegitimate brother with ADHD and a coke habit.

I’m the HOA president, I know the rules. It’s a high percentage, yes, but I didn’t write them, and I’m nonplussed about the whole thing. SO much hatred in the thread for HOAs, but YMMV. For our community, the HOA is largely passive and most people enjoy the standards and norms it helps maintain.

Kinja ate my previous comment, but in short, it’s nigh-impossible to change bylaws. Gotta have 80% of residents to agree, and if both spouses co-own, both have to sign. All sigs must be notarized. Gotta hunt down the LLCs and banks that own the few rentals. Gotta pray peeps even answer the door when you knock for sigs.

When your next-door neighbor decides he/she wants to raise chickens and 2 pigs in their 1/16th acre backyard, then paint their house fluorescent pink, and refuse to cut the grass more than once a summer....all happening 2 months before you’re attempting to sell your home, you would better appreciate the modicum of

It ain’t that easy (note: I’m the local HOA pres myself). Even in our very simplistic, very low-key HOA bylaws, the rules for changing the bylaws are (for good reasons, mostly) very difficult to execute. For us, to change the bylaws, requires 80% of all residents to agree, and to agree, they must sign the form AND

In the 90s, my uncle lived in an uber-tony Boca Raton subby that had the same rule. At the time I drove a rusty POS (in grad school, so of course I did) pickup that the gate guy was even hesitant to allow in, let alone park for a few hours. Staying overnight with the truck on his driveway was strictly verboten.  At

there will be a live show with themed characters interacting with each other and guest

I’ll wait for the $39.99 Groupon.

What the hell is a “stripped hen”?

I’m guessing people viewed this as a fire of inconvenience rather than a fire of dire danger, and wanted to collect their work laptop instead of having to explain to IT why it went missing. Not defending these people disobeying orders, but perhaps they didn’t sense urgency, and instead acted like this was nigh a