
It’s almost like actual life is filled with subtle contextual situations and large numbers of visual cues that all have to be processed near-instantaneously, and computers are not adept at this, and wont be....

2 questions:

Until 4 days into ownership, it gets stolen or carjacked.  

So tomorrow, when the pile is gone and the local Wendy’s is suddenly running a BOGO offer on all style of sandos, we should be worried?

What’s Oakland (and SanFran) supposed to do with the homeless pop? Cant put ‘em in houses, none available. NIMBY wont let ya build any new ones at controlled rent. Cant round em up and drop them in the ocean, cant force them to get jobs and earn a living....this idea of “deal with the encampments!”....like doing what,

“Insane in the membrane, insane in Maine”

Also, a state with the word “road” in its pronunciation is anti-car?

Flingapore Airlines

Yeah, but it cant be fun for 1st responders to have to shovel a guy’s brains off the street thrice a week, and/or have scattered brain happen in front of a day care or school bus full of kids.  If they could do this in isolation, I’m all for it.

I cant wait to hear what Tesla’s PR dept says about these “either I live or we all die” terror threats. Wait....hold on.....nevermind.  

Also, cold-cocking someone is assault. The lack of any legal proceedings on this (TMK) is telling that this was a staged event.

unofficial discounts on purchases of new cars

Wild to think that passing a weakly basic, barely buffered solution through a highly acidic organ before being largely being absorbed might significantly neutralize the substance and render its basicity claims moot and dumb.

BOEING DOESNT MAKE THE ENGINES.  JFC this is getting so stupid with the Jalop crew at this point.

we are worried about even the appearance that they are deciding cases in ways that are consistent with their financial interests

So what 2 sailors were able to leave, and why?  That’d be nice to know.  If the harbor pilot was included in the 23, I can see him leaving.  But if not, how were 2 allowed to walk while the others remain?

1) White guy, 2) neck tat(s), 3) pickup truck (also see 1 and 2), 4) Kentucky, 5) asshole driver (also see 3 and 4)....that’s a BINGO.

No kidding. There were so many caveats in that PSA, which implies the lack of even one of them renders the whole policy non-enforceable. How about just a “carry a loaded gun, be expected to be arrested” announcement even the simps can understand?

WHITE people who tried to bring guns through security were simply taken to the police station at the airport and either fined or given a citation

Clearly a US-based squid with the blinding lights. The European species can deflect them downward, minimizing the blinding but probably still quite effective at the catchy and eaty steps.