
you need to be really careful not to scream into their back end.

Jeep Wrangler, Willy Edition.  Not so much the driving, but the entirely plastic, cheap-ass looking interior.  I knew how much the owner paid for it, and I was stunned at just how pedestrian, average, plastic-everywhere the dials, gauges, etc. were.  Maybe this well-known to others, but I had no idea they were piles

Why are 15 whales given the goofy, old-school name “Gladis”? Does the pod have this name, or is each individual named Gladis? If so, why couldn’t they have their own names? Did anyone ask the orcas if they’re chill with this 1930s-esque moniker? Perhaps their anger and violence is derived from their emasculated nicky,

I simply cannot imagine working my ass off, then being told that the world’s richest man (give or take) has just doubled my workload (with no pay bump) because he child-like reflexively fired colleagues for shits and sexism and minor cost savings.

“no reason to not drink raw milk”

homes are going to get way more expensive and tiny houses like this are the only option

Had the 4-speed manual knockoff Mercury Lynx. Can concur. 0-60 mpg in about 4 minutes with a tailwind.

Not only has 1 party turned their nose at EV, their orange idiot has all but said he’ll nix EVs altogether (in an homage to the oil and gas industry).  Eliminate all support for cars, chargers, etc...essentially dooming the whole concept.

Keel-er whales

keeping your Mtn Dew, Surge, or Red Bull cool on those hot summer road trips

$55 billion in a move that would see him become one of the best-paid executives across the auto industry.

To be clear — “robotaxis” isn’t new hardware (cars), right? It’s just software that pretends the car is fully self-driving, correct? So any Tesla owner can pimp out his/her car as a Waymo-style “taxi” overnight while they sleep to make money....somehow? Or do I have this wrong?

He’s a-mast quite the social media following.  It keels me that he was able to outwit his city’s codes and not anchor any hard feelings from anyone...

So where are they going to park the robotaxies and $25K Affordable Cars coming in mere months?

A judge can unilaterally decide upon a punishment, no matter how crazy/unconstitutional, then throw you in jail for contempt if/when you refuse? Could said judge asked him for a BJ? Demanded he clean the court’s bathrooms? IANAL, but such judicial carte blanche for speeding ticket adjudication doesn’t sound legit at

I’d love to know how many shares of GME this guy quietly accumulated in the past, say, 6 months. He could have acquired many thousands of them at $12/per and sold today at $36 to make millions. He could repeat this shit twice a year and never have to work....just buy on the sly, suddenly post cryptic BS on


Or just roll with bazookas.  How often in America are bazookas (bazooki?) stolen?  Once a decade?  Checkmate libtards.