
There’s some pretty strong irony about the writers for this site complaining about the insane overabundance of ads, pop-up BS, etc.

Rabies shot, stat

As with anything with Tesla Trump though, even an injury constant lying can’t shake the belief that many of these owners voters have in this company charlatan and its product his bullshit.

I’m either too old or too young to know what you’ve circled here....

^^This. The wife and I test drove a CX-90 and then an VW Atlas, and both of us were like “WhereTF are all the controls?” in the Atlas. Apparently it’s just one monster screen for everything....we noped out of there quick, back to the Mazda dealership and the physical buttons of the 90....

Musk’s version: Lie-dar

A crypto company, ostensibly one that lost most of the customers’ money, still has $16 billion in assets? I find this impossible to believe....did they own half of the Bahamas? What besides real estate could produce value into the 11 digit level?

concession prices reflected the highly varied levels of disposable income of racegoers

Dreamliner biz class is simply amazing...the auto-tint windows are to behold.

How many phone calls a month from insurance companies does this person receive? How many depositions or court appearances (as a witness) does this person perform? He’s gotta be on a first-name basis with most of the major auto insurance companies.....

Con man with ~$200 billion honestly doesn’t have to worry about that at all, as long as he can keep conning whilst he slowly sells all his shares.   Simply declaring “robotackseys, beeyotches!” made him billions in one day; he just needs to keep shouting and everything will be fine.

The ordeal started around 4:30 am local time

We have a winner today...congrats

It depends on the type of bear. Brown and black can be reasoned with, grizzly bears are a bit more aggressive, and fuggitaboutit if you run crosswise with a polar bear....you’ll be dead in a matter of seconds.

^^^THIS.  Once it’s made national news that he ISNT running SpaceX, he’s about to reinsert himself big-time into the company to prove that he, in fact, does.  He’s going to drop the price of rockets by 20%, fire 10% of the employees, and carry a kitchen sink into SX HQ and throw it at the nice desk lady.

How many hours (minutes?) after purchase does the driver of this get pistol-whipped and car-jacked at the closest stoplight? 2? 3?

This is pure genius. Also, “stereo tapes” and “synchromesh” are gold.

Picture of Victor Diaz de Leon:

I was thinking of horseracing, for example. When the margin of victory time-wise is less than the standard clock used (and certainly NASCAR does not routinely quote race times to the thousandth’s second, TMK), it seems weird to “deduce” the time spread rather than just quote the distance they won by. In my world, if

This Stockton guy was a real carbon fibber.